
When You Have Little Time — an Easy Mantra/Affirmation to Create/Restructure Time

When You Have Little Time --- an Easy Mantra/Affirmation to Create/Restructure Time 1
When You Have Little Time --- an Easy Mantra/Affirmation to Create/Restructure Time 2

During the holiday season, one of the biggest things I hear from people is “I don’t have time to get everything done that I need to.” This increases our stress, disturbs the sleep, and makes it very hard for us to be at the top of our game, and the body-mind and soul to recharge.

Here is a simple Mantra or Affirmation to help Restructure or ‘Create’ time. Say this about 50+ times throughout the day. A GREAT time to do this is while driving to and from somewhere.

“Why is it so easy to have the time, and then some, for everything I want and need to do?”

Now, let’s break down the structure of this Affirmation, and how it works.

How this works is very simple to say the least… when you ask your mind a question, it has a funny task of having to find a solution or answer to the question. The first part “Why is it so easy”… is  asking your mind a specific statement, and it tells your mind that the answer to your question must be easy. The second part “to have the time…” says what you are looking for an answer for. This gives the parameters to the first part. You can change the second part to just about anything that you want your mind to show you a solution for. The key is the first part… “Why is it so easy?” This DOES work. When I was in the corporate world and was a lead team trainer for a few different companies, I would have my team do similar Affirmations during their shifts. With one company that had a national sales force, my office was always ranked within the Top 5 offices for sales in the nation every month after we started this, with normally 3 or 4 of the sales reps ranking within the Top 10 nationally for sales (this was between about a hundred offices, and about 500 sales people)! With another smaller local company, between 3 teams, my team had the highest conversions normally, and I feel this was because this is one of the many tools that I shared with them.

How quickly will this work?

How quickly this work depends on the individual. From what I have seen with people is that the healthier on all levels (mind, body, soul) a person is, the faster the system responds. Realize, most affirmations are coming from your sub-conscious mind (90% of our thoughts are sub-conscious, and only 10% are conscious). With this affirmation, we are utilizing the 10% portion, and working on over-riding the thoughts coming from the 90%. For example, if in your subconscious mind you keep unconsciously repeating “In order to feel worthy and valued, I must keep myself busy and stressed at all times”, this will take a little longer.

Be Mindful of your thoughts

Another key to this is to be mindful of your scattered thoughts, and the affirmations you are putting out at all times. Listen to the voice within yourself responding to the conscious Affirmation you are putting out there. Is the voice within responding with another Affirmation to the opposite? Is it telling you… “This won’t work”? Respond to that inner-voice of yours with a statement that supports what YOU are trying to do. If it is telling you “This won’t work” … tell it firmly, “YES, it Will!”. If it is telling you that “You will never have enough time, and you are silly for denying that fact”, say “I will have have the time, and I honor myself in all aspects of who I am.” Another common one is “You are not worthy to have more time” … “Yes, I AM Worthy of everything I desire!”

Release the Stress, Re-Balance your Life

Lastly, always take a moment to find a practitioner who can help you relax. Releasing stress and letting go of the garbage in the sub-conscious is key for Overall Wellness. Fantastic therapies for this could be massage, talk therapy, Colorpuncture/Esogetics, EFT/Emotional Freedom Technique, BodyTalk/BodyTalk Access, as well as many wonderful therapies.

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