
Happy Solar Return to the Sun & new therapies to start the New Year right!

Happy Solar Return to the Sun!

New Therapies and other Healthy Tips for December!


In this update:Happy Solar Return to the Sun & new therapies to start the New Year right! 1

  • Winter Solstice: Why is this so important & 7-Part Consciousness Opening therapy great for the New Year!
  • Natural Awakenings Twin Cities Article:  Cranberries Support Healthy Circulation
  • *New @ Psinergy* In-Office Therapies: A New I-Ching Protocol… How is this different?
  • Therapy Highlight: Zone of Life Force (also great for reducing coffee cravings in AM)
  • Local Business Highlight: Speakers Series at Metamorphosis

Winter Solstice is just about here, falling on December 21st. While many of us have probably heard about Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice, we probably don’t take much thought to what it means besides being the low and high points of the sun, frigid winters and humid, scorching summers.

The Sun is the symbol of energy, life force, bringing in the life program, the breath-in and new life… and during the Winter Solstice, our energy tends to be lower, and this time could be considered the time of the ‘dark’ sun, and for that we can look at Pluto, as it is on the complete opposite side of the universe and is often called the Dark Sun, or complete opposite of the Sun. Pluto is about secrets, an ending, death, a completion of a cycle… the balancer of the Sun, all so we can begin anew again, leaving behind what we no longer need, or what weighs us down – and allowing for the Sun to shine brighter in the new beginning.

Other ways you could possibly look at this is Sun = Love, Flow and Joy and Pluto/Dark Sun = Fear, Destruction and Restriction. Always keep in mind, as humans, we are always between these two polarities of our Universe and trying to find our center, or our own personal trinity. Being in one extreme, especially for to long, can be unhealthy. We see this mirrored also within the Universe here on Earth, with the changes of the seasons, the waxing and waning of Moon, plants (getting to much sun they dry up and burn, not enough, they wither and decay) and well, everything if you just look and observe the rhythm.

Happy Solar Return to the Sun & new therapies to start the New Year right! 2A great therapy during this time of year is the Grey Crystal Therapy: “7-Step Trinity Consciousness Therapy“. This therapy helps to Open, as well as Build, the Consciousness of the Individual, releasing the old, unneeded and allows for a new beginning and re-birth of self through re-discovery and renewal of self while helping you find your middle, your center. This therapy is done once every 4 weeks and is done in a 1-hour session. Below you will find a basic overview of each step:

  • The first part of the therapy helps in opening the Inner-Image and Imagination while also helping to balance the hormonal endocrine system.
  • The second segment helps to open the Intuition of the individual while also helping to shed the uncried tears of childhood.
  • The third segment helps increase creativity and drive, helps to strengthen the Hara.
  • The fourth segment helps to relax the diaphragmatic arch, helping to process emotions, and release stress.
  • The fifth segment, located in the “Field of Freedom” is very liberating, helps to balance the negative, helps release extreme emotions so the individual can become their normal selves again through helping to find the truth within the self.
  • The sixth segment helps to release the struggles that a person has with themselves.
  • The final segment, number 7, helps with intense relief of emotional/mental stresses, helps balance feelings, emotions and emotional intelligence, balances the inner and outer coordination.

Schedule this session before December 31st, 2013 and receive $10 off! Use promo code: “2013Trinity“. When schedule, schedule as a “Follow-up > Overall Wellness Follow-Up Session” and use the promo code so we know that you want the Trinity Consciousness Therapy.

Schedule your Monthly Wellness Session now

Cranberries Support Healthy Circulation

Drink Up to Lower Blood Pressure

Cranberries Support Healthy CirculationRegularly drinking cranberry juice may help control blood pressure, according to new findings presented at the American Heart Association’s High Blood Pressure Research 2012 Scientific Sessions. Cranberry juice, the researchers note, is rich in antioxidants—naturally occurring molecules that have been associated with the blood pressure-lowering benefit.

Continue reading article at Natural Awakenings – Twin Cities

*New* In-Office Therapies!

“The Playful I-Ching” – 64 Hexagrams to promote Wellness through the Symbolic Wisdom of the I-Ching


Happy Solar Return to the Sun & new therapies to start the New Year right! 3

There are 3 ways of applying the I-Ching therapies:

  • Symptom Based
  • As a spiritual development tool completed over 40 weeks
  • Question Based

This session will focus on the “Question Based” protocol.

To accomplish this, we will have you quiet your mind and focus on a specific question, then take the I-Ching Cards (or coins), in your right hand and draw two cards. These cards give insight and guidance into your question. The first card talks about what is important to the question, and the second card tells us more of what needs to be observed from the question.

Then, we draw the 2 I-Ching symbols on the body with eyeliner (so it can be easily wiped away if needed), and then you rest for 5 minutes (to allow for the subtle reactions to process). After 5 minutes, we will then trace the I-Ching symbols with a defined Grey Light (this helps to reflect back the original symbolic information of the specific symbol, bringing it more into the consciousness). We then will apply a specific Soul Spirit Color to the center of the symbol, followed by one of the grey crystals which helps to bring the information into the material.

This set of therapies is highly transformative, and strong. Reactions are to be expected.  These reactions help to move you towards resolution or bringing you back towards balance. In case of reaction, please apply the “Moist-Heat Liver pack”.

Happy Solar Return to the Sun & new therapies to start the New Year right! 4

Therapy Highlight

The “Rose Quartz Therapy to Open Consciousness” is a fantastic therapy to do at the end of the year, and beginning of the new year.Rose Quartz Crystal Therapy to Open Consciousness
In the evening before bed, place a Rose Quartz Sphere in each position for 20 seconds starting at the top (Kether), then the front center of the forehead, and last in the back straight back from the front position. Repeat every night.

Full therapy information

Appointment Hours

Sunday’s: 11 AM to 4 PM in MPLS
Monday’s: 4 to 8 PM in Lino Lakes
Wednesday’s: 10 AM to 10 PM in MPLS
Friday’s: 10 AM to 6 PM in MPLS

Happy Solar Return to the Sun & new therapies to start the New Year right! 5
The Metamorphosis Center hosts the “Idea Exchange Speakers Series” each Tuesday evening at it’s north Burnsville location (it’s pretty much Bloomington) starting at 7 PM. This thought-provoking series addresses an endless variety of topics related to contemporary themes of mind-body-spirit and personal development.Each evenings begins with a presentation followed by a question and answer session in which attendees are encouraged to exchange ideas inspired by the speaker.

For more information, and a list of speakers for 2013 and the first half of 2014, check out Metaphorphosis: Be Inspired. Believe. Begin.

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