
Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies: Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)

Shatavari Properties

by Breanna Potts (cross posted from Banyan Botanicals, one of our vendors)

Summer is coming to a close, and with it, we eagerly await the cool reprieve of crisp and clear fall days. During this seasonal transition, there is an equal need to keep the focus on balancing pitta while also increasing our awareness of balancing vata. What a perfect time to talk about shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)! This sattvic herb is fundamental in Ayurveda, and no herbal education is complete without it. Thanks to its cooling, soothing, nourishing, and rejuvenating work throughout the entire physiology, shatavari effectively balances both pitta and vata. While famous as a powerful female reproductive tonic, shatavari is equally beneficial to men, and its powers cross into other organs and tissue layers, helping to bring overall health and balance. This is one herb that earns its place in practically everyone’s herbal cupboard!


[ Read all about the benefits and story of Shatavari ]



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