As of 5/14/2021, we are no longer requiring appointments for those looking for specific herbs or supplements. Most are also available via the online dispensary. Curbside pickup is available if needed.
We are currently requiring appointments in order to limit the number of people in our reception area at any specific time. If you are looking for a specific herb or supplement, most are available via the online dispensary. If it’s something only available in our office (like the Auromere products), or if you need it right away, please call first so we can arrange a specific time for you. We ask that you arrive at your appointment time and if early, please wait in your car unless you call to make sure you can enter. We give each appointment start time a 15-minute window.
All touch surfaces are disinfected with a botanical disinfectant, Concrobium Broad Spectrum Disinfectant II, that does not require PPE to apply (less harmful to humans) and is EPA approved as a viricide, fungicide, bacteriacide, and tuberculocidal upon opening each day with the date & time noted on the doors (and we do disinfect at other times if needed, though the CDC has stated that touch surfaces are the least likely way to contract COVID-19) as needed, as well as the Seventh Generation spray disinfectant. Both use Thymol, a derivative found in oil of thyme, as their active ingredient. Additionally in the therapy rooms, we may use BoulderClean Disinfectant Cleaner which also uses Thymol. Tools that are able to are disinfected with Super Sani-Cloth® Germicidal Disposable Wipes (also available via our online dispensary) which uses ammonium and isopropyl alcohol are done between each client. Additionally, the therapy room is UV sanitized for 15-minutes between clients.

ActivePure cell
Additionally, we have incorporated multiple layers of air sanitization technology in our office that utilizes: Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO), Broadspectrum UV-C, TiO2, Ozone (O3 at less than 0.05 ppm), RF Ionization, HEPA manufactured with ionic silver particles. One of the air purifiers that we use has the ActivePure® Technology and has been lab-confirmed to provide 99.98% reduction of SARS-COV-2 on surfaces in a controlled environment as well as a 99.999% kill rate of airborne RNA viruses in just 30 minutes (we actually had incorporated these technologies years back to help reduce allergens, issues during cold, and flu, and just because it made sense to us). Public Bathrooms are constantly being sanitized with an O3 air purifier. Additionally, our HVAC system is constantly circulating the air, and our suite has an exterior exhaust fan constantly exchanging air with the outside. Select lights in our office have also been changed to the Sylvania LightShield technology.
Masks, like everywhere in MN, are required UNLESS you are specifically excluded under EO 20-81 Point 8a, which we are not able to ask you about or deny service due to Point 15e of the EO. As of 5/14/2021, the mask mandate has ended in MN with EO 21-23.
Hand sanitizer with 70% Ethyl Alcohol made by Talyoni (also available via our dispensary) and also contains Aloe Vera is available for use at the front desk.
Staff are monitored for any signs of sickness, including possible signs of COVID-19, and will stay home if so needed. Beyond these measures and other measures like washing hands, etc, the owners of the company and some of the staff have also decided to incorporate a homeoprophylaxis protocol for themselves as an added layer of precaution.