Brainspotting Session (in-person)


“Where you look affects how you feel.”

Brainspotting (BSP), made popular by the mental health community, is a focused treatment method that works by identifying, processing, and releasing core neurophysiological sources of psychoemotional body pain, traumas, dissociations, and a variety of other challenging symptoms.

Who can use Brainspotting to get more out of life?

BSP has been used effectively with a wide range of emotional and somatic issues like anxiety, depression, and other behavioral conditions, including those that are trauma-based. BSP is also used for performance and creativity enhancement (from Phase 3 training). BSPs goal is to bypass the conscious mind (neocortex) and access the deeper, subcortical emotional, and body-based parts of the brain.

Brainspotting logo

BSP (Brainspotting) uses the natural phenomenon of relevant eye positions. These positions assist the BSP therapist and client to locate, focus, process, and release a wide range of emotional and body-based issues.

BSP, it is believed, taps into and harnesses the body’s own natural self-scanning and self-healing ability. When a relevant Brainspot or Access Point is stimulated through a focused eye position, the deeper areas of the brain reflexively signal that a source of a problem has been tapped into. BSP is also used to find and strengthen our own natural resources and resilience. BSP is a simultaneous form of analysis and treatment designed as a therapeutic tool – enhanced with the use of Biolateral sound, that can be integrated into many styles of healing modalities, including Esogetics and Colorpuncture (Esogetics & Colorpuncture are not done in these specific sessions). BSP is a brain-based tool to support your total healing journey.

