BSP (Brainspotting) uses the natural phenomenon of relevant eye positions. These positions assist the BSP therapist and client to locate, focus, process, and release a wide range of emotional and body-based issues.
BSP, it is believed, taps into and harnesses the body’s own natural self-scanning and self-healing ability. When a relevant Brainspot or Access Point is stimulated through a focused eye position, the deeper areas of the brain reflexively signal that a source of a problem has been tapped into. BSP is also used to find and strengthen our own natural resources and resilience. BSP is a simultaneous form of analysis and treatment designed as a therapeutic tool – enhanced with the use of Biolateral sound, that can be integrated into many styles of healing modalities, including Esogetics and Colorpuncture (Esogetics & Colorpuncture are not done in these specific sessions). BSP is a brain-based tool to support your total healing journey.