Emotion Code session


Emotion Code is a magnet therapy that is believed to help release the electro-magnetic imprints of “trapped” emotions that distorts an individuals field that potentially do not allow the individual to move fully through life as the magnetic person they are meant to be with ease and vibrance.

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Emotion Code is a magnet therapy that is believed to help release the electro-magnetic imprints of “trapped” emotions that distorts an individuals field that potentially do not allow the individual to move fully through life as the magnetic person they are meant to be with ease and vibrance.

Emotion Code is a very simple and gentle therapy and utilizes dousing or kinesiology to determine which trap emotions should be released in what order, and then a magnet is passed through the Governing Vessel meridian. An Emotion Code session tends to be very freeing.

How we utilize Emotion Code only sessions:

  • General Sessions
  • “Heart Wall” Removal
  • Abundance & Prosperity
  • In conjunction with Colorpuncture/Esogetics and other therapies we offer in our office through the Wellness Sessions for things like addictions & recurring patterns, past trauma, et al.

**Note: SchaOn is a Non-Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and studied this through a self-study process.