PurO3 Ozonated Oils & Supplements

Dedicated to improving your skin care, oral health, and body and beauty needs with only natural ingredients.

  • Ozonated Oils (Topical/Capsules):
    • Olive Oil (POI: 92)
    • Hemp Oil (POI: 192)
    • Avocado Oil (POI: 90)
    • Castor Oil (POI: 35)
    • Coconut Oil (POI: 14)
    • Jojoba Oil (POI: 39)
    • Sunflower Oil (POI: 153)
  • Specialty Ozonated Oils
    • Bug Bite Relief
    • Ozonated Oil Pulling Solution
    • Tooth & Gum Support
    • Toe & Nail Support
    • Beauty Oil
  • Ozonated Oil Deodorants
  • Ozonated Oil Suppositories
  • EDTA Suppositories
  • Probiotic Suppositories
  • Ozonated Oil Soaps


How PurO3 Ozonated Oils are made

Activated oxygen, also known as ozone, is created by taking pure oxygen and electrically charging it. This is done simply by flowing oxygen through an electrically charged tube.

What happens is this: pure oxygen or O2 (two oxygen atoms) is changed to pure ozone or O3 (three oxygen atoms).

The next step is where the amazing transformation takes place. The activated oxygen is then funneled into the desired raw oil where the electrically charged oxygen is slowly infused.


More info at: https://www.puro3.com/puro3club/club.php?id=545  <—Use Code “PSINERGY” and receive 10% off your purchase!



PurO3 is the undisputed leader in ozonated oils, yet we began with one simple and humble intention: To create organic skincare products that do what they claim to do, while keeping them simple, safe and pure. We produce all of our oils in small batches to ensure rigorous quality control. We have now expanded to supplements, tooth and gum care, probiotics, and more.All of our products are packaged with ultimate quality and safety in mind. Our ozonated oils, tinctures and serums are available in glass jars. No harmful byproducts ever touch what's inside, so you don't need to worry about chemical leaching or contamination.