Love – Blessed Herbal Affirmation Candle


A blush colored candle with a musky woods scent. 2”x4” pillar with a 40 hour burn time.

Love comes from an unending source, so there is plenty to go around. This candle is designed to tap into that source and align your energies to receive and accept all the love you need and desire.

Affirmation: I open my eyes, heart and hands to the love I seek. I release all fear that may have blocked the path to the fulfillment of my desires.

SKU: 819470010408 Category: Tags: ,

Coventry’s Affirmation candles are made with specially blended essential oils to fully empower your affirmation.

Always place candle in an appropriate holder, and never leave a burning candle unattended.

2″x4″ Cotton Wick Pillar
Approx 25 hours burn time
Printed Affirmation


Blessed Herbal Affirmation