Shatavari 500 mg, 90 tabs by Banyan Botanicals

Rejuvenation for Vata and Pitta*

  • Maintains a healthy female reproductive system*
  • Supports healthy lactation*
  • Supports fertility and a healthy libido*
  • Nourishing tonic for women and men*
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Banyan Botanicals

Shatavari is a rejuvenating herb that cools the body and strengthens and nourishes the tissues. Traditionally used to maintain the healthy production of female hormones, Shatavari may be translated as “100 spouses,” implying its role in promoting fertility and vitality. As a nutritive tonic it encourages the healthy production of milk in lactating mothers and the healthy production of semen in would be fathers. It is also useful for supporting the menopausal transition. Shatavari supports a healthy immune system and assists in both physical and mental digestion. Its unctuous quality soothes and nurtures membranes of the lungs, stomach, kidneys, and reproductive organs, and gives it a building nature that makes it a great support for anyone looking for a nourishing grounding effect. It’s bitter and sweet taste also has a cooling effect on the system. These combined qualities make it a rasayana (rejuvenative) for the reproductive system, the digestive system (particularly when pitta is involved), and the blood. Sattvic (pure, harmonious) in nature, Shatavari calms the mind and promotes love and devotion.*

Ayurvedic Energetics:

  • Rasa (taste): sweet, bitter
  • Virya (action): cooling
  • Vipaka (post-digestive effect): sweet
  • Doshas (constitutions): Balancing for vata and pitta, may aggravate kapha in excess

Common Usage:
Used to support the proper function of the female reproductive system, healthy lactation, digestion, the immune system and male virility.*

Possible Contraindications:
High ama, excessive mucus

Suggested Use:
1–2 tablets, once or twice daily, or as directed by your health practitioner.

Please consult with your health care practitioner prior to the use of this product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of the reach of children.

Supplement Facts:
Serving size: 1 tablet
Servings per container: 90
Each 500 mg tablet contains: Shatavari Root (Asparagus racemosus)+.

+Certified Organic

Other ingredients, from natural sources: organic maltodextrin, organic gum arabic, organic rice flour. Free of gluten, soy and dairy. 100% vegetarian.

This item contains no animal products and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


Banyan Botanicals

Banyan Botanicals