The Sleep Program 2 starts at 14 Hz. Within 4 minutes the program decreases to 1 Hz. and then swings between 1 and 3 Hz. for 6 min. Then there is a 4-minute plateau at 3 Hz. before the theta – oscillation between 3 and 7 Hz. starts, concluding with another drop to 1 Hz. After 4 min. at the 1 Hz. level an oscillation between 1 and 4 Hz. starts for 6 min., followed by a 6 min. interval at 4 Hz. and another 3 min. oscillation between 1 and 4 Hz. Then the waking phase starts and concludes at 14 Hz.
All waking complaints like anxieties, depressions, cephalgias and migraines. Pain in the joints, vertigo and cardiac arrhythmias. Difficulties concentrating, mental overwork, permanent nervous system stress, fear of failure, pains especially in the morning. Alternating with the program “Stress 10” it can be used for menstrual complaints and menopause.
Therapy time: 45 minutes