Prajña is the sixth paramitta/dharma door. This moving meditation uses 16 mudras & visualizations along with one mantra to awaken one’s alya seeds to bring greater health, clarity, wisdom and wealth. As one continues the practice over time, wisdom opens up and one is able to live in alignment with the comings and goings of the Universe.
Date: Sat, March 31 at 9 AM
Exchange: $49 to $168
*Note: Monthly Wellness Members receive 10% off, just let Charlotte know.
Hanmi Buddhism MN Website
Instructor Charlotte M. Steen, Vajracharya 智禅 ZhiChan, is an ordained teacher in the Hanmi Buddhist lineage. She offers spiritual healing services, teaches Hanmi Buddhist meditations, and conducts Buddhist prayer services to relieve suffering. She works with those who want to meditate daily to transform their lives, to open their awareness, and to heal themselves and others. More information at: