
Seasonal Kitchari Class + Tips for Boosting Wellness in Late-Fall (Vata Season)

Cleansing Kitchari
November 9, 2017 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm America/Chicago Timezone
Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness - Teaching Space
1553 Como Ave
St Paul, MN 55108
SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT
(612) 217-4325

KitchariEvery two months we experience a seasonal shift which can be a tough time for our body and mind.

In this workshop, we will make a kitchari for us to share and while that is cooking you will learn:

  • about the energies of the coming fall season (Vata) we are going into
  • What your Prakruti (original make-up) and Vikruti (your imbalances) are
  • different ways you can customize your kitchari for you/vegetables & other modifications for each dosha
  • tips for natural ways to help reduce stress and boost your overall wellness for the season to come

This class will be taught on a recurring basis right around the start of the new seasonal switches.

[ Register for Free Class ]

Dates of the Seasonal Changes:

  • January 15th (1/9 to 1/21)
  • March 15th (3/9 to 3/21)
  • May 15th (5/9 to 5/21)
  • July 15th (7/9 to 7/21)
  • September 15th (9/9 to 9/21)
  • November 15th (11/9 to 11/21)


What is Kitchari?

Kitchari is pretty much a staple within Ayurveda, and there are many, many varieties out there. The basics of all kitchari is that it is rice and beans, with various spices. Kitchari is meant to be easy to digest, cleansing and strengthening without robbing the system of energy like a normal detox often does, and hence can be done a regular basis.

More about Kitcharis and Kitchari Recipes