
Natural Medicine in the Media

Green Tea Conversations: Candi Broeffle talks with SchaOn about Colorpuncture, Esogetics, and Kirlian EEA

Candi Broeffle, the publisher of Natural Awakenings Twin Cities magazine, talked a little bit with SchaOn on November 7th (aired on AM950 Radio on November 10th) about his practice and some of the things a client may experience during a session including Colorpuncture, Esogetic Holistic Medicine, the uniqueness and benefits[...]

Colorpuncture & PTSD

Akhila talks with Healing Quest about PTSD [HQ] Time: 6 minutes 45 seconds Description: Akhila Rosemary Bourne talks with Healing Quest TV about the benefits that clients with PTSD have through Colorpuncture/Esogetics Therapies!

Psinergy reviewed on the radio…

While Psinergy was participating at the   MN Shadows Faire in Saint Paul, Tim Dennis, the co-producer and reporter from   Darkness Radio (on 100.3 KTLK in the Twin Cities) came by to sample some of the services offered by many of the energy healers at the Faire, as he[...]

Colorpuncture demonstration on Healing Quest TV

Akhila demonstrating Colorpuncture for Healing Quest TV [HQ] Time: 7 minutes 23 seconds Description: Akhila Rosemary Bourne (one of the United States national teachers for Esogetics) was interviewed about Colorpuncture and Esogetics on Healing Quest TV. Very awesome demonstration and explanation of Colorpuncture.

Light that can cure you

Light that can cure you – By Reed Karaim, USA Weekend, Feb. 4, 2007 “Exciting new research provides doctors with an alternative treatment to drugs or surgery for ailments ranging from acne to Alzheimer’s. Healing the human body with a beam of light sounds like something out of a classic[...]

Therapy can heal illness, provide balance and harmony, backers say

Therapy can heal illness, provide balance and harmony, backers say – By Alicia Doyle, Correspondent, Ventura County Star, Camarillo, CA, Oct. 1, 2008 “With the first session, I felt such a sense of release,” said Mills, 56, of Van Nuys. “It also helped me release the anger and fear that was associated with my cancer diagnosis. My everyday life[...]

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