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Make Time for Better Health on Busy Days

(Family Features) Fitting in time to exercise and eat sensible meals can be impractical, if not impossible, when the demands of daily life get in the way. If busy days limit your ability to live as healthy of a lifestyle as you desire, take charge by squeezing in fitness and[...]
A bowl of soup with a wide variety of herbs and veggies in it.

A Tradition of Healing Soups: a Healing Soup for Fall

Growing up I remember watching on TV people bringing people soup when they were sick. Now with being an adult, whenever I make a soup I often reminisce of these shows and think about how can I make this soup a healing and supportive contribution for those who will be[...]
French Toast for Vata Season

Recipe: French Toast for early Vata Season & Better Digestion

One of Vata’s characteristics is weaker digestion, so during this season, we need to focus on helping and supporting our digestive system more than normal. Here is a modification of a classic American Favorite, the French Toast, to help support not just digestion, but also helping to cool any excess[...]
Cardamom Rose Water Rice Pudding

Recipe: Cardamom & Rose Water Rice Pudding

by SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT So, the other day we were invited to go to an outdoor graduation party that was potluck-style for a friend. We looked at the weather and it was going to be a hot one… high base temp, high humidity, etc. Because of this I felt[...]
Cottage Cheese Dish

Quick Breakfast for Energy: Cottage Cheese Bowl

This is a fantastic, and surprisingly delicious, breakfast dish which provides you with a lot of energy to get going right away in the morning. I recently saw this while watching an episode of Dr. Oz about increasing energy, and while it seemed odd to eat this for breakfast, I[...]
Kitchari for the Single Person

Kitchari for the Single Person – or when your Lover can’t stand it!

The standard Kitchari Recipe makes a lot, enough to feed like 5 to 8 people. So what do you do if you’re single, or the other people in your house just won’t eat the Kitchari with you? You could just make the normal recipe, and heat a bit up over the[...]
Cleansing Kitchari

Balancing and Cleansing Basic Kitchari

by SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT Kitchari is pretty much a staple within Ayurveda, and there are many, many varieties out there. The basics of all kitchari is that it is rice and beans, with various spices. Kitchari is meant to be easy to digest, cleansing and strengthening without robbing the system of[...]
Cilantro on Brats from Spro Gard Organic Farms

Brats: How to enjoy while cooling the Summer Heat

Today was one of the first really nice warm and sunny days in Minnesota so far this year, and with it comes the summer time foods like Brats, Hamburgers and the like. These foods, along with other summer time favorites like slushies, potato salad, and other cold dishes and beverages[...]
Pancake Recipe with Ayurvedic Herbs for Digestion

Pancake Recipe for Healthier Digestion

Pancakes for the most part, like most pastries, can be pretty hard to digest and can be ama (toxin) increasing . Pancakes tend to be somewhat dense, though can also be light and fluffy and can leave you feeling heavy, super full and bloated. It takes a lot of energy for[...]

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