Pancakes for the most part, like most pastries, can be pretty hard to digest and can be ama (toxin) increasing . Pancakes tend to be somewhat dense, though can also be light and fluffy and can leave you feeling heavy, super full and bloated. It takes a lot of energy for the digestive system to properly digest this American favorite, though we can add various things that enhance the pancake eating experience that will also help our body digest this tougher food.
Here is a pancake recipe that is a little more balanced – while still tasting utterly fantastic, easier to digest and also supports the digestive capacity of the body (agni) while giving you a lot of energy well into lunch.
Dry Ingredients
Wet Ingredients
In a larger bowl, combine all the dry ingredients and mix well. In another bowl, combine all the wet ingredients, and mix. Then pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, mix until smooth.
Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium heat. The best frying oils are ghee or coconut oil. Pour or scoop about a 1/4 cup of the batter onto the hot griddle, flip once the bubbles on the top create little holes that stay in the pancake. Brown on the other side (about 1 to 2 minutes). Makes about 13 pancakes.
Top with ghee (or unsalted butter) and warm maple syrup. You could also top with some raw unheated honey as well if you so desire, or maybe a little Black Elderberry Syrup.
Eat Well and Digest your way to Better Health. 🙂