
Crystal Therapies

The Gamma Brainwave & its benefits

The Gamma Brainwave & its benefits

Gamma, a newly discovered brainwave, oscillates between 30 to 100 Hz. This exciting brainwave has been seen to be connected with peak performance, strong focus, and even possibly mystical transcendental experiences, higher perceptions, and insight. Gamma also is believed to help coordinate and synchronize the other brainwaves of alpha, beta, theta, and[...]
The ties that bind

The Importance of Cord Removals around Valentines Day

Valentines Day is just around the corner, and one of the big things on people’s minds are relationships, coupling, and all that romantic stuff. Many find this as a very irritating, frustrating and dreaded time of year that’s more like the onset of the plague. One of the reasons this could[...]

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