
Esogetic Holistic Medicine

“Where’s the Joy at?” - Edge Column 1

“Where’s the Joy at?” – Edge Column

(originally published in The Edge magazine, page 2 in June/July 2022, Edition #343) by SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT For the last month, I’ve been sitting here racking my brain on HOW can I talk about “Joy” with everything that we’re still dealing with, without appearing inauthentic, out of touch, and[...]
Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay

Mind-Body insight into the impact of Fear – Edge Column

(originally published in The Edge magazine, page 3 in Feb/March 2022, Edition #341) by SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT In Holistic Medicine, there is a saying: “Fear eats the light – Light dissipates Fear.” How do we see this impact the mind (information), body (matter), soul (energy)? Think of the last[...]

Green Tea Conversations: Candi Broeffle talks with SchaOn about Colorpuncture, Esogetics, and Kirlian EEA

Candi Broeffle, the publisher of Natural Awakenings Twin Cities magazine, talked a little bit with SchaOn on November 7th (aired on AM950 Radio on November 10th) about his practice and some of the things a client may experience during a session including Colorpuncture, Esogetic Holistic Medicine, the uniqueness and benefits[...]
Person with a flower in the navel with their hands around in in the shape of a heart over the abdominal brain region.

About Your Belly Brain and Why it is So Important — Esogetic Colorpuncture Institute

Did you know that you have a second brain in your belly and that it plays a vital role in both your physical and psychological well-being? About 20 years ago, Esogetic ColorpunctureTM originator, Peter Mandel, became interested in research emerging from a new field called Gastroneuroenterology. These researchers were talking[...]
Esogetics and Colorpuncture: Effective Forms of Naturopathy 2

Esogetics and Colorpuncture: Effective Forms of Naturopathy

by SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT Esogetic Holistic Medicine and Colorpuncture are forms of naturopathy that Peter Mandel began developing in the 1970s along with Biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp, Ph.D., and encompass knowledge from the wide range of natural health treatment systems, including acupuncture, chromotherapy, and others, all rolled into one complete[...]

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