
New Beginnings we find in Spring towards Self Love & Mercy


We offer Esogetics & BodyTalk Access therapies in-office including: Colorpuncture, Transmitter Relays, Infra-Red, Induction, Crystals, I Ching, Dream, Karma & Bardo, Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis, Tongue Analysis, Iridology, and more!
(612) 217-HEAL / (612) 217-4325
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Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness
New Beginnings we find in Spring towards Self Love & Mercy 1
New Beginnings we find in Spring towards Self Love & Mercy 2
New Beginnings we find in Spring towards Self Love & Mercy 3
Hesed / New Beginning / Mercy


Hesed / New Beginning / Mercy : The month of April is represented by the 4th sephira in the Tree of Life. Hesed, located on the left side of the chest, is the source of feeling and devotion. Hesed deals with the inner-emotional world and the deepest of love, loving oneself. Hesed also encourages Generosity and Mercy, which is a form of unconditional love towards others.

Meditate on this symbol for 5 minutes a day through the month of March to help release the blockages between you and your spontaneous inspirations. Alternately, you could also print off this symbol (make it about 2.5 inches) and place to the right of your head just above the ear for the 5 minutes with your eyes closed.


“The highest goal of music is to connect one’s soul to their Divine Nature, not entertainment” 
― Pythagoras 

Moonlight & Magic - Sat. April 21st

Moonlight & Magic

Moonlight and Magic, a new fantasy-themed expo of psychics, healers and energy workers, will debut on Saturday, April 21, at Cambria Suites in Maple Grove, MN, with hands-on and interactive classes throughout the event.
Admission is $5. The event location is 9655 Grove Circle N., in Maple Grove. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free interactive classes will be taught every hour on the hour, and free live music will be presented by Hanakia Zedek.SchaOn will also be teaching a free workshop and meditation at 2 PM!

Info, list of vendors & classes, and more at:

April Updates…

from Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness

In this update:

  • Monthly Memberships & other Deals
  • Spring Allergies & other Upcoming Classes
  • Hesed: New Beginnings with Self Love
  • Moonlight & Magic: April 21st
  • Supporting Local Businesses

Monthly Memberships & other Deals

We are proud to announce that we are now able to offer monthly memberships on service! A Monthly Membership includes:
  • 1 – 60 minute appointment every month
  • 20% off additional sessions in the month (so additional sessions are $52)
  • 10% off classes or workshops in the month
  • Drop-in Audio therapy sessions only $10 (normally $20 – that’s a 50% savings!) during office hours

We are also happy to announce that we are now offering a fantastic option for Drop-in Audio/Sound therapies! Choose from 12 different audio therapies that are designed to bring you back into balance. Each drop-in session is only $20 (or $10 with a membership), and are during normal office hours. They include:

  • Psychosomatic Balance (great for stress release)
  • Headache-Migraine Release
  • Insomnia/Sleep Disturbances
  • Immune Support
  • Motivation
  • Regeneration
  • Self-Knowledge
  • Vitality
  • Wholess 1, 2 or 3 (Spirit, Mind, Body)
  • Conflict Resolution Series

Classes & Workshops for April/May

One of the biggest things with Esogetics therapies is that we work on educating our clients on therapies they can do on themselves and their loved ones. We do this through a combination of one-on-one instruction at the end of sessions on the specific therapies to use at home, as well as through classes/workshops that can be used when things change between appointments.
  • Esogetics Basics
    Learn briefly about the wide depth of what is Esogetics and what it encompasses. You will learn about 9 of the main modalities within Esogetics, about the Esogetics Model, what the  16 colors are used for. You will even have the opportunity to experience one of the Audio Therapies as well as one of the new I Ching therapies!
    -Length: 3 Hours
    -Cost: $Free
    -Class Size: 10
    -at Psinergy: Thursday, May 3rd @ 7 PM ::Register
  • Colorpuncture for Allergies
    Allergies are one of the most problematic and frustrating things we go through as they affect our entire being by making us exhausted, irritable, hard to breath, and more.
    In this class, gain tools to help fight this and bring your body back into balance!

    -Length: 3 to 4 Hours
    -Cost: $30
    -Class Size: 10
    -at Psinergy: Saturday, May 5th @ 4 PM ::Register

“Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony.” 
― Leonardo da Vinci
New Beginnings we find in Spring towards Self Love & Mercy 4

“Music is the mediator between the life of the senses and the life of the spirit.” 


“Man’s music is seen as a means of restoring the soul, as well as confused and disordant bodily afflications, to the harmonic proportions that it shares with the world soul of the cosmos”
Support Local

Our Fav’s

Here are some of our favorite Local Businesses
(all of these business are independantly owned, etc)

We keep Computer Repair Simple.

Computer Repairs & Services

Psinergy TechWarrior St. Paul offers affordable computer repair services. Remember…the holiday shopping season and tax prep time are the 2 most common times when people get viruses. Make sure to get it cleaned out properly so your private information isn’t stolen!
Save 5% off a Virus Removal Service (or) Computer Tune-up now till April 15th, 2012. Just use discount code “BalanceKarma” when scheduling.
Copyright © 2012 Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is:

Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness

821 Raymond Ave
Ste. 260

St. Paul, Minnesota 55114

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