
Stress & the Immune System


We specialize in helping business professionals who want to either stay healthy, or become truly healthy, that struggle with a mountain of stress. We have a simple, relaxing system that can help bring back your youthful and playful-side, allowing you to enjoy your life again, while still performing at the top of your game.
(612) 217-HEAL / (612) 217-4325
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October update #4

In this update:

Schedule an Appointment
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Natural Alternatives for Infections, Colds, Flu’s and more

We are now in the season of Colds, Sickness, Flu’s and more. Over the last decade, we have seen more and more people looking for natural alternatives for helping the body heal, and there is a LOT of information, natural remedies, etc out there. Some information is better than others, though the big question is ‘How do you know what will work for you, your family and loved ones’. This is one of the hardest questions to answer, as each person must be looked at as an Individual, and what may work very well for one person, may not work as well for another. For example, we’ve all heard that Vitamin C is great during times of illness or Vitamin D, or Echinacea, or Elderberry, though, we have seen that it doesn’t work for everyone in every situation. Why is that?Well, the Immune System is faily complex in many respects. For example, a simple thing like too much mental stress can weaken the immune system… or for some people a poor diet can create a stressor in the body as well as not providing the needed building blocks for a healthy immune system… and yet, for others the entire microflora of the gut could be off (the microflora in the gut is responsible for maintaining about 70 to 80% of the immune system), and for others, not drinking enough water makes the system stagnant.

Read: “43 Natural Alternatives for Colds and Flu
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Stress & Disease

More and more, scientists are re-discovering that Stress, or in Esogetics we say ‘Conflict’, maybe one of the leading contributors to disease and illness.

We see that stress decreases the strength and ability of the Immune System, can contribute to Weight Gain and Lack of Sleep (and not allowing for the Mind/Body to regenerate), and much more.

Stress can be on many levels: Body Stress, Mental/Emotional Stress, or Spiritual Stress.

Read an Article about Stress & Disease
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What are ‘Acute Sick Care’ appointments?

From time to time, we get sick… either with the cold, the flu, or other things like that.

I have come to realize that many of my clients want and desire something natural to help aide them in recovering from this, (and/or) cannot afford to go the allopathic medical route. Because of this, I came out with the ‘Sick Care (Acute)’ appointments. For most clients, I have seen that 1 session is enough to help them pull through the situation in about a day, though sometimes 2 or 3 sessions are needed.

Keep in mind, these are not meant to replace allopathic medicine, though I do feel I need to leave an option open if you feel the need to utilize it.

These are priced to be about what a normal office Co-Pay would be, and take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on what you are going through. Until the end of the month they are $25, and after November 1st they are $35. Members receive a $10 discount on these appointments.

Book a ‘Sick Care’ appointment
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Monthly Memberships

We are now offering 2 Levels of Monthly Memberships.

  • Individual Membership
    +incl. 1-60 minute session every month,
    +20% off additional appts in the month
    +10% off classes
    +Free Group Sessions
    +other discounts!
    $65/month if started before 10/31*, and $89/month starting 11/1.
  • Family Memberships (or)
    Premium Individual Membership
    +incl. 4-60 minute sessions every month,
    +20% off additional appts in the month
    +10% off classes
    +Free Group Sessions
    +other discounts!
    $233/month (no increases after 11/1)

*Pricing stays the same until you cancel. So, if you start it at the $65, it will continue at that level even after pricing increases.

Sign-up for Membership now
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The Water Cure

We have all heard, drink 8-8oz glasses of water a day… though, what if you are 120 lbs, or 250?

In the book, ‘The Water Cure’, they talk about how to figure out how much water YOU need based on your specific needs, based on your ailments, and what you are trying to achieve.

For basic health maintenance, they suggest this formula: [Your Body Weight in lbs] / 2 = [How many Ounces of Water you need per day]

So, for a 200 lbs person, that would be:
200 lbs / 2 = 100 oz/day, or 12.5-8 oz glasses.

More about ‘The Water Cure’
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Classes & Activities for November

  • Esogetics Basics
    Thursday, November 1st
    6 PM to 10 PM
    Cost: Free
  • Crystals Workshop: Love & Dream Disk
    Saturday, November 3rd
    12 Noon to 8 PM
    Cost: $145

More about the Crystals Workshop
The Crystals Workshop is a fantastic way to learn therapies that you can do on yourself to promote dreaming, general well-being, stress reducation and MUCH more!

In this workshop, you learn about the Sephiroth (Tree of Life) as well as 19 therapies.

Group Sound Therapy for November
Monday’s through November we will be doing the “4-Weeks of Wholeness” series, and is a great way to process stress. Please arrive by 7:15 PM. Each session/week is only $10/person.

  • Week 1 – Psychosomatic Balance
  • Week 2 – Wholeness of Mind
  • Week 3 – Wholeness of Body
  • Week 4 – Wholness of Energy
View all Classes, Workshops, Events & Group Activities
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Notice: Free Initial Consultations

Starting on November 1st, we will no longer be offering Free Initial Consultations.

If you have not had your Initial Consultation, please book the appointment before 10/31/2012. You can book it for after after 10/31, and it will still be Free as long as you setup the appointment BEFORE 10/31, though if you go to book after 11/1, Initial Consultations will be $80, though will be 1-1/2 hours long.

Book your Free Initial Consultation NOW
Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness · 821 Raymond Ave · Ste. 260 · St. Paul, Minnesota 55114

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