
Winter is Here & the Health Life Expo …a January Update

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Winter is Here & the Health Life Expo ...a January Update 1


…a January

In this update:

  • Winter is Here & the Health Life Expo ...a January Update 2Rhythm
    of the Season
    : The
    Kidney/Bladder Season
  • The Healthy Life Expo: Expert
    Panel this Saturday:
    “Hints & Tips for Better Health” January
    12th at 1 PM
  • Edge Talk Radio “Focusing
    on Good Health” and Interview with Dr.
    John Veltheim, founder of BodyTalk
  • University of Wisconsin:
    Milwaukee News:
    the Healing Power of Light, January 9,
  • Dream Zones for Inner-Direction (Subconscious,
    Cramp, Partnership & Memory)
  • Meaning of Colors:
    Light Turquoise
  • Start the New Year out right with
  • Monthly Memberships for
    Families, Individuals & New Transmitter
    Relay 3-month Membership
  • Next Newsletter Preview: New
    Anti-Aging services being offered!

Rhythm of the

Winter: The Kidney/Bladder

The cycles of life, ebbing
and flowing, bring to us the
season of Winter, an ending of
the old, and allows us to create
space for the new that will
We are now well into the Kidney
and Bladder season according to
the Chinese Medicine Wheel. The
Kidneys talk about
our Inherited Life Force, and
reflect outwardly to the Ears
(Ears are the ‘Flowers’ of the
Kidneys) and tell us how we are
listening to our inner-self.

When our Kidney/Bladder energy
is weak, or when we have not
listened to our self and not
accepted our path, it is common
to see aspects of Fear, Anxiety
and Phobias. The Kidney/Bladder
energy deals with the Element of
Air, is the color of Light
Turquoise, deals with the Bones,
the first 2 teeth, the pelvic,
shoulder and calf muscles. In
the spine, we see reflections in
L2 & 3, S4 & 5, as well as the
coccyx. When we block the
emotions, we often times also
see blockages within the lymph
of the pharyngeal
, and when we block
our inner-hearing, we find
ringing in the ears.

The lesson of the season is
to release fear by learning to
listen to yourself, accept
yourself and your path, gain
courage to be who you truly are
and to have trust in your
inner-strength. Know that your
inner-self, your soul, wants you
to be successful in all aspects
of who you are.

• Preservation •
Security • Unfolding •
*As always, these statements
(or any other in our
newsletters, etc), have not been
evaluated by the FDA. This is
not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure or prevent any disease.

Schedule an Appointment

The Healthy Life Expo
Expert Panel: “Hints
& Tips for Better Health”
January 12, 1 PM to 2 PM


How many times have you heard, “If
you’ve got your health, you have
everything?” It’s true! And the Healthy Life
Expo can show you not only how to get
healthy, but stay healthy.

Winter is Here & the Health Life Expo ...a January Update 3In
this Expert Panel
, find out Tips
that you can use to not only help to bring
you back to health, but also maintain it!

Expert Panelist:

This event features many local and national
exhibitors who offer the latest in cutting
edge information, products and services,
promoting a healthier, happier and more
balanced life!
Get FREE VIP Tickets for the entire
expo here: http://updates.edgemagazine.net

Winter is Here & the Health Life Expo ...a January Update 4

Edge Talk Radio

on the Edge of
“Focusing on Good

Sunday, January 13, 7 PM
to 9 PM

7:05-:30: News
and Updates
Cathy & SchaOn

7:30-8:00: What
is Polarity
Crusan, CMT, PP

Synchronize &
Balance with BodyTalk
founder Dr. John

8:45-9 PM:
where we’ll be/meet
us in person,
Highlights for next
Join us the 2nd
Sunday of each month
from 7 PM to 9 PM
CST as we talk about
the latest news and
updates in Holistic
Healthcare, review
of Products &
Services for your
Health & Well-being
of the Mind Body and
Soul, vitamins &
minerals, talk about
Conspiracies, or
maybe even talk
about UFO’s, crystal
skulls & more!
So, grab a cup of
coffee, tea or some
hemp/almond milk,
ask us questions
live in the chat
room, or even call
us live on air and
join in on the fun!


Listen to our Show
Monthly Memberships

We are now offering 2 Levels of
Monthly Memberships.

  • Individual
    +incl. 1-60 minute session every
    +3 Drop-In Sound Therapy
    +20% off additional appts in the
    +10% off classes,
    +Free Group Sessions,
    +other discounts!
  • Family Memberships (or)
    Premium Individual
    +incl. 4-60 minute sessions
    every month,
    +12 Drop-In Sound Therapy
    +20% off additional appts in the
    +10% off classes,
    +Free Group Sessions,
    +other discounts!
  • Transmitter 3-month
    +4 – 90 minute Transmitter
    sessions every month
    ($105.50/session, savings =
    +12 sessions are done over a
    3-month period
    +20% off additional
    appointments through the
    +10% off classes, workshops,
    group sessions, etc
    +Group Audio Sessions are
    now Free!
    +$25 Acute Sick Care
    Appointments (normally $35)
    +$10 Drop-In Audio/Sound
    Therapies (normally $20 –
    50% savings!)
    +Members Receive 3 Drop-in
    Audio/Sound therapies with
    their membership!
    +Membership stops renewal
    after 3 times

Enroll Today

Winter is Here & the Health Life Expo ...a January Update 5
the healing power of light

by UMW News, January 9, 2013

A Brazilian woman had
suffered for decades with a
recalcitrant diabetic foot
ulcer that wasn’t responding
to any treatment. So her
doctors, working with UWM’s
Chukuka S. Enwemeka and his
research team in Brazil,
tried a new approach: They
exposed the wound to
specific doses of
near-infrared light. Days
later, she was pain-free,
with full healing achieved
within weeks.

Dream Zones for

Winter is Here & the Health Life Expo ...a January Update 6

The zones of Inner-Direction
promotes insight into
onesself.These 4 zones – Partnership
and Memory, Subconscious and
Cramp, when stimulated in
order, can be a very
transformative at-home
therapy. The rubbing of
these area can strengthen
direction-pointing dreams
(great to use right before
the New Year / Winter

For detailed instructions,
go to theadditional
excerpt from the Dream Disk
read from pages 114 to 118
(in the PDF they are pages
12 to 16)


Winter is Here & the Health Life Expo ...a January Update 7

The Meaning of Colors


Light Turquoise –
Relates to the inner-psyche.
Creates a deep feeling of
peace, contentment and
happiness. Breathing also
becomes easier, and the mind

Winter is Here & the Health Life Expo ...a January Update 8

Start the New Year right with

The Transmitter Relays (also called
the “Watchman of the Gate”)
a specific segment of therapies
within the Esogetics system that
specifically deal with the life
lessons or life patterns that have
been created, and hence what will be
created based on previously
experienced life patterns
(conflicts). The therapy of the
Transmitter Relays is one
possibility for soul transformation.
The transmitter relays, if done in
its entirety, are done over 12 weeks
(1 session/week), though a shorter
segment of 6 sessions is possible by
only going through the first 4


Copyright © 2013 Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic
Wellness, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:

Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic

821 Raymond Ave
Ste. 260

St. Paul, Minnesota 55114

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