Rhythm of the
SeasonWinter: The Kidney/Bladder
The cycles of life, ebbing
and flowing, bring to us the
season of Winter, an ending of
the old, and allows us to create
space for the new that will
come.We are now well into the Kidney
and Bladder season according to
the Chinese Medicine Wheel. The
Kidneys talk about
our Inherited Life Force, and
reflect outwardly to the Ears
(Ears are the ‘Flowers’ of the
Kidneys) and tell us how we are
listening to our inner-self. When our Kidney/Bladder energy
is weak, or when we have not
listened to our self and not
accepted our path, it is common
to see aspects of Fear, Anxiety
and Phobias. The Kidney/Bladder
energy deals with the Element of
Air, is the color of Light
Turquoise, deals with the Bones,
the first 2 teeth, the pelvic,
shoulder and calf muscles. In
the spine, we see reflections in
L2 & 3, S4 & 5, as well as the
coccyx. When we block the
emotions, we often times also
see blockages within the lymph
of the pharyngeal
tonsil, and when we block
our inner-hearing, we find
ringing in the ears. The lesson of the season is
to release fear by learning to
listen to yourself, accept
yourself and your path, gain
courage to be who you truly are
and to have trust in your
inner-strength. Know that your
inner-self, your soul, wants you
to be successful in all aspects
of who you are.
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