
We’re moving… 20 days early! …and other August Updates

moving… 20 days early!

…and other
August Updates

In this update:

We're moving... 20 days early! ...and other August Updates 1

  • New Locations & Hours:
    We’re moving… 20 days earlier than we
    planned… PLUS expanded hours!
  • Rhythm of the Season:
    Late Summer
  • Tea Highlight:
    Tulsi Jasmine
  • Workshop:
    “Listen to your Body Signals &
    Activating your Dreams for Healing”
  • Upcoming Events:
    Upcoming events around town!

  • Popular Past Articles
  • Holistic Therapy Highlight: Coordination
    10 to help sleep

New Locations & Hours…

August has been shaping up
to be a very chaotic month!
On August 1st, we found out
that we were moving 20 days
earlier than what we had
scheduled out originally,
and now will be leaving the
Saint Paul office on August
11th, with the last time
seeing clients at that
location on August 10th.On August 14th (SchaOn’s
Birthday), we will be all
moved into our first new
location within Holistic
! At Holistic
Gateway, we will also be
able to offer additional
services, like 19 Clinical
Synapsis Wave therapies
Holistic Gateway is only
about 15 minutes (4.5 miles) from
our old location in Saint
. We will be seeing
clients at the HG offices on
Wednesday’s from 10 AM to 8
PM and Friday’s from 10 AM
to 6 PM (and looking at also
offering either Saturday’s
or Sunday’s as well, so if
you want a Saturday or
Sunday appointment, let me
know so I can see who’s

Then, on Monday, September 2nd we
will begin offering appointments at The
Wellness Circle
Lino Lakes, MN. I will be the 17th
practitioner working out of TWC, and
totally excited to have this
opportunity! To start, we will not
be offering Kirlian services at TWC.
The Wellness Circle is about 16
miles from the Saint Paul office and
about 20 to 25 minutes, though, it
is a beautiful drive, and the air
does seem cleaner 🙂

Lastly, if you are not able to walk
up many stairs, you will want to
book at TWC on Monday’s as the HG
office has about 24 or so stairs and
is not handicap accessible at this

*As always, these statements (or
any other in our newsletters, etc),
have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Rhythms of the Season…

It seems that Late Summer has
already appeared here in Minnesota
and the time of the Stomach, Spleen
and Pancreas. The symbol of the
stomach talks about your ability to
digest conflicts, the pancreas being
able to take in the sweetness of
life around you, and the spleen
about decisions and judgements (and
when it is weak, we have more
tendencies of worry and can become
bitter).Some great foods during this time
are fruits like Grapes, Tart Apples
or Gooseberries (Amalaki),
Potatoes, Fats & Proteins as well as
salts. Look for teas with Licorice
Root or Rose in them, and herbs to
look into would be Ashwagandha,
Ginger, and Codonopsis.

Additionally, some nice at-home
therapies would be tapping out your
Pancreas Reflex Point, Small
Stomach Rhombus
, or the Esogetics
Dream Zones for the stomach/tension
of the body


Tulsi Jasmine Green Tea
Jasmine Green Tea is a fantastic
tea for Late Summer! With Fennel(cooling)
and Ginger, this is a great tea
for digestion, releasing heat,
and helping you to relax!Currently, Organic
India has the Tulsi Jasmine
Green tea
sale, so try some today!

Another awesome tea for this
time of year is the Tulsi
Raspberry Peach Tea
 or Tulsi
Sweet Rose
, or check out any
of their other products right
from our website
(www.psinergy.info > Wellness
Products > Organic India)



You’re Invited!         

Wednesday, August 14th
SchaOn turns 33 (I think that’s
right… LOL. Isn’t 33 a Master
Number?) This will be fun! haha!Also, first
day at Holistic Gateway!

Wednesday, August 21st,
7-9 PM

“The Circle” Networking Event @
The Wellness Circle w/ Barbara

Monday, September 2nd

First day at The Wellness

Thursday, September
19th, 7 to 10 PM

Class @ Meta Institute: Body
Signals & Activating Dreams for

Recurring Events:

Every Friday from 7-10 PM

Friday Chat & Play Social

Listen to your Body's Signals & Activating your Dreams for healing


“Listen to your
Body’s Signals & Activating
your Dreams for Healing”

“Symptoms in the
body do not arise
from nowhere. Learn
how to interpret
some of these
signals, and more
importantly some
simple yet effective
self-care therapies
to help clear
through the
underlying conflicts
via the dreams.”
Learn 19
Holistic self-care
use a combination of
touch and a special
blend of essential
oils to clear
blockages and help
promote health and
well being.
Therapies include
body zones to
promote dreaming,
release emotional
polarities and
promoting emotional
balance and areas to
release brain fog
and increase mental
strength, another to
open up joy within
your life; a
protocol for
headaches, cramps,
as well as protocols
to help with issues
with colds,
circulatory issues
and weather
sensitivities… in
all, you will learn
and have everything
you need for the 19
therapies that you
can use that night
for you, your family
and other loved
Sept. 19 • 7 -10 PM
Cost: $107 ($98 if
paid by 8/29)

incl. Esogetics
Wildcrafted Herb Oil
($35 value) and

Register at:

call 612-217-4325
Instructor: SchaOn
Blodgett, CCP, BTAT,
Psinergy Natural
Health & Holistic
Location: Meta
, 5121
Winnetka Ave, Ste
200, New Hope, MN
PDF Flyer

We're moving... 20 days early! ...and other August Updates 2
Therapy Highlight: Small Stomach

Small Stomach Rhombus

Spiritual Indications: Anxiety,
Nervousness, Stomach Disorders,
troubles processing/digesting
conflicts, troubles sleeping
– Point 1 : the tip of the sternum
– Point 3 : the top margin of the umbilicus
– Points 2 and 4 : is at the tip of the isosceles triangle whose base is
the line connecting points 1 and
3Color: Blue

Duration: 1 minute per point

Radiate in succession the points
1,2,3 and 4
Point 1 – Top, Pt 2 – Left, Pt 3
– above Belly Button, Pt 4 –

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