
Newsletter: Open House, Workshops, Classes & more! …and other August Updates

Open House, Workshops, Classes & more!

…and other August Updates

In this update:Newsletter: Open House, Workshops, Classes & more! ...and other August Updates 1

  • Open House: Friday, Sept 6 from 5 to 8 PM
  • Workshop: “Listening to your Body’s Signals & Activating Dreams for Healing”, Thurs. Sept 19 @ The Meta Institute
  • New Pricing Structure: If you make less than $12/hour, this will benefit you!
  • Tea Highlight: Tulsi Licorice Spice
  • Upcoming Events: Upcoming events around town!

Wow… August has been a blurrrrrr, though we are happy to announce that we are mostly moved into the office at Holistic Gateway! WooooHooo!

While August has been unseasonably cooler, this coming week is supposed to warm up slightly, so remember cooling items like Strawberries and Hibiscus.

Lastly, SchaOn has been hearing from a lot of people that August has been just a whirlwind for them, so remember to schedule a de-stressing and re-centering appointment during these busy, crazy times!

New Pricing Structure

Over the years we have tried a few different types of pricing structures, “Pay what you can”, Set Fees, Higher Fees, Lower Fees, Community-styled Therapies, Group Therapies, and probably a few others.

While for the most part, the “Set Fee” style is working the best, we have noticed that we have not been working with some of the people we really desire to as of late due to financial constraints… so we are now introducing a dual set fee model.

Starting a few days ago, when you book online, you will see 2 different fee options for our primary services:

  • Initial Consultations (2 hours): $125 or $89
  • Follow-up Consultation (1 hour): $80 or $53

Why the Change Again?
There are a LOT of reasons, though the biggest reason is that we desire to work with anyone and everyone who desires to live holistically or wants to get better through holistic health options, including those who do not have a lot of extra money.

These lower priced services are exactly the same as the higher priced ones, though hopefully will be more affordable for people making less than $12/hour or 2 person families making less than $36,768/year, or 3 person families making less than $43,768 (each addt’l child, add $7,000 to the 3 person family number).

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

Schedule a Session Now

Tea Highlight…

Newsletter: Open House, Workshops, Classes & more! ...and other August Updates 2Tulsi Licorice Spice Tea is a fantastic tea for those busy times when you are in your head a lot, and always on the go and not sure which direction you will land!Licorice, known as the great harmonizer in Chinese medicine, brings its soothing sweet character to India’s legendary sacred herb, Tulsi, producing a balancing tea with flavor notes of spicy cinnamon, ginger, and lemon.

Another awesome tea for this time of year is the Tulsi Raspberry Peach Tea or Tulsi Sweet Rose, or check out any of their other products right from our website(www.psinergy.info > Wellness Products > Organic India).
Newsletter: Open House, Workshops, Classes & more! ...and other August Updates 3

Friday Sept 6th
5 to 8 PM

Join us in Celebrating the Grand Opening of the Holistic Gateway Center for the Healing Arts!
Free Activities & Samplers, Free Informational 30-minute talks at 6 and 7 PM as well as additional Guest Services on the Balcony during the Open House…
Newsletter: Open House, Workshops, Classes & more! ...and other August Updates 4


“Listen to your Body’s Signals & Activating your Dreams for Healing”
September 19th • 7 to 10 PM
“Symptoms in the body do not arise from nowhere. Learn how to interpret some of these signals, and more importantly some simple yet effective self-care therapies to help clear through the underlying conflicts via the dreams.”

Upcoming Events

You’re Invited!
Wednesday, Aug. 21st, 7-9 PM
“The Circle” Networking Event @ The Wellness Circle w/ Barbara Ford
Monday, Sept. 2nd
First day at The Wellness Circle!
Friday, Sept. 6th
Open House! (more info to the left)
Thurs., Sept. 19th, 7-10 PM

Recurring Events:

Every Friday from 7-10 PM

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