
December News and Holiday Open House & Community Health Day

Happy December!

…and Healthy Tips for early Winter!

In this update:December News and Holiday Open House & Community Health Day 1

  • December is a Busy month: Open House this Saturday and other updates
  • The War on Sugars… and why it’s not entirely correct: Holiday Tips so you can still eat those Sweet Treats!
  • Cocoa Calms Inflammation: A Winter Favorite has Healthy Benefits
  • New in Office: Traumeel
  • Therapy Highlight: Rose Quartz Therapy to Open Consciousness
  • Local Business Highlight: Chiropractors around Town
  • Upcoming Events: Upcoming events with Psinergy, Holistic Gateway & The Wellness Circle… as well as others around town!

The last few months have come with many changes, busy schedules and December is looking pretty much the same. With things being so busy, and time flying by, next thing we know it will be 2014 (which from what Cornelia is telling me, based on Astrology, will be a year that people will need holistic health services more than ever with the various planetary shifts and alignments).

Some awesome news that happened for us recently is that we were chosen as the Holistic Health provider on LivingSocial for the Minneapolis region! That’s pretty awesome… and a great gift for yourself, or a friend/loved one. The LivingSocial deal is for 2-1 hour Anti-Stress/Rejuvenation Sessions. It is a huge accomplishment to be able to utilize this platform, and to start educating more people about the benefits of holistic health services.

Also, on Saturday, December 7th — we will be having our Holiday Open House and Community Health Day from 10 AM to 5 PM. We will have a few outside vendors/practitioners at the event, including Astrology with Adam, Palmistry & Tarot with Cameron, Pottery by Mark from The Dudes Motivational Mud, and Jewelry with Deb Amon of Amon Designs. There will also be Chair Massage with Cindy Miller (Cindy is also our bookkeeper, and just an overall fantastic person). We know all of these vendors personally, and they are all great… so, stop on by, have some mulled wine, cider or some other wintery treats, and get some Holiday Shopping taken care of. ***Note*** 20% of the vendors profits will go to benefit the Minneapolis Food Shelf.

Also, at the Open House, Cornelia, Conradine and myself will be offering various forms of Holistic Health services complementary.

Additionally, starting in January (maybe sooner), you will be able to order many Supplements, Herbs, Homeopathic Remedies, Massage oils and more through our website on HealthWave and have it shipped directly to you! The best part is, the items will generally get to you within 2 to 3 days – so it’s very fast!

The War on Sugars… and why it’s not entirely correct:

Holiday Tips so you can still eat those Sweet Treats

by SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT

December News and Holiday Open House & Community Health Day 2

As the holidays come upon us, we are tempted by those fantastic sugary treats that we have grown to love and adore, and some seem addicted to them. With the latest fad diets, we are told, “No Sugar! It’s toxic for you”, “It will make you FAT!”, “Sugar causes Cancer!” and so on and so forth. Then, when we indulge ourselves in one of these treats, we feel guilty. So, are sugars a “no-go” for everyone, making them fat, depressed and cancer ridden addicts?

From some of my recent studies into Ayurvedic Medicine and Complex Homeopathy, what I am learning is yes and no. In these studies, it has become very clear to me that as Americans, we don’t know the first thing about proper diet, what to eat and when to eat it, and the latest fad diets just make things worse for most of us by diminishing the vital basic make-up of our cells and the cellular energy structure/metabolism.

In Ayurveda, we learn that sweets (which basically are sugars) are comprised of the elements of Earth and Water, help to strengthen tissue, increases ojas, aka “Life Sap”, aide in healing broken bones, increases breast milk, and help the mind be content, and is harmonizing. However in excess it can cause weight gain, indigestion, diabetes, enlarged glands, fainting and cancer (1). In Ayurveda, the idea is that “Opposite balances Opposite, and Like increases Like”, and that the individual, whether consciously knowing it or not, will always try to create balance within their system.

Read the full article

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Cocoa Calms Inflammation

A Winter Favorite has Healthy Benefits

Cocoa Calms InflammationFew can say no to a cup of hot cocoa on a cold winter’s night. “Enjoy!” say Penn State researchers. They have found that a little bit of cocoa may be a powerful diet aid in helping to control inflammation and ameliorate related diseases, including diabetes. Numerous current studies link obesity to inflammation in the body.

Cocoa, although a common ingredient of chocolate, by itself has low-calorie, low-fat and high-fiber content. The researchers fed laboratory mice the human equivalent of 10 tablespoons of cocoa powder—about four or five cups of hot cocoa—along with a high-fat diet for 10 weeks. The control group ate the same diet without the cocoa.

Traumeel now available in the MPLS Office!

December News and Holiday Open House & Community Health Day 3

As many of you know, I’ve had many car accidents in the last year, and Traumeel has been a cornerstone in my own healing. Traumeel is a homeopathic remedy for very fast pain relief designed by Heel, http://www.heel.com/, one of the oldest homeopathic companies in the world!.Traumeel® is a combination of 12 natural active ingredients (of 14 actives, see Drug Facts*) that work together, complementing the body’s natural processes to temporarily reduce minor joint, back & muscle pain.

  • Designed to work without going through the digestive system
  • Safe to use for more than 10 days

Then… starting in January, you will be able to order this, as well as many other products directly from our website and have them shipped directly to you!

December News and Holiday Open House & Community Health Day 4

Therapy Highlight

The “Rose Quartz Therapy to Open Consciousness” is a fantastic therapy to do at the end of the year, and beginning of the new year.Rose Quartz Crystal Therapy to Open Consciousness
In the evening before bed, place a Rose Quartz Sphere in each position for 20 seconds starting at the top (Kether), then the front center of the forehead, and last in the back straight back from the front position. Repeat every night.

Full therapy information

December News and Holiday Open House & Community Health Day 5

Appointment Hours

Sunday’s: 11 AM to 4 PM in MPLS
Monday’s: 4 to 8 PM in Lino Lakes
Wednesday’s: 10 AM to 10 PM in MPLS
Friday’s: 10 AM to 6 PM in MPLS

December News and Holiday Open House & Community Health Day 6
As with most forms of Holistic Health Services, we LOVE Chiropractors, and with it coming up to Car Accident season, we wanted to give you a referral to 3 of the nicest and most talented Chiropractors we know!
  • Dr. Carol Jillian-Ohana with The Wellness Circle/Cloudwalk Chiropractic in Lino Lakes, MN
  • Dr. Deb Heim with Heim Chiropractic “My Chiro Geek” in Columbia Heights & Maplewood/Saint Paul, MN
  • Dr. Lee Ann Herfort with Southside Chiropractic on the south side of Minneapolis.

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