
Why is Winter Solstice Important?

Winter Solstice is just about here, falling on December 21st. While many of us have probably heard about Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice, we probably don’t take much thought to what it means besides being the low and high points of the sun, frigid winters and humid summers.
Why is Winter Solstice Important? 1
Symbol of Daath / Pluto

The Sun is the symbol of energy, life force, bringing in the life program, the breath-in and new life… and during the Winter Solstice, our energy tends to be lower, and this time could be considered the time of the ‘dark’ sun, and for that we can look at Pluto interestingly. Pluto is on the complete opposite side of the universe and is often called the Dark Sun. Pluto is about secrets, an ending, death, a completion of a cycle… all so we can begin anew again, leaving behind what we no longer need, or what weighs us down. Other ways you could possibly look at this is Sun = Love, Flow and Joy and Pluto/Dark Sun = Fear, Destruction and Restriction. Always keep in mind, as humans, we are always between these two polarities of our Universe trying to find our center, or our own personal trinity. Being in one extreme, especially for to long, can be unhealthy. We see this mirrored also within the Universe here on Earth, with the changes of the seasons, the waxing and waning of Moon, life cycles of plants and well, everything if you just look.

Why is Winter Solstice Important? 2
Esogetics Grey Crystals with Earth Hologram

A great therapy during this time of year is the Grey Crystal Therapy: “7-Step Trinity Consciousness Therapy“. This therapy helps to Open as well as Build the Consciousness of the Individual, releasing the old, unneeded and allows for a new beginning and re-birth of self through self-discovery and renewal of self. This therapy is done once every 4 weeks and is done in a 1-hour session. Below you will find a basic overview of each step:

  • The first part of the therapy helps in opening the Inner-Image and Imagination while also helping to balance the hormonal endocrine system.
  • The second segment helps to open the Intuition of the individual while also helping to shed the uncried tears of childhood.
  • The third segment helps increase creativity and drive, helps to strengthen the Hara.
  • The fourth segment helps to relax the diaphragmatic arch, helping to process emotions, and release stress.
  • The fifth segment, located in the “Field of Freedom” is very liberating, helps to balance the negative, helps release extreme emotions so the individual can become their normal selves again through helping to find the truth within the self.
  • The sixth segment helps to release the struggles that a person has with themselves.
  • The final segment, number 7, helps with intense relief of emotional/mental stresses, helps balance feelings, emotions and emotional intelligence, balances the inner and outer coordination.

Schedule this session before December 31st, 2013 and receive $10 off! Use promo code: “2013Trinity“. When schedule, schedule as a “Follow-up > Overall Wellness Follow-Up Session” and use the promo code so we know that you want the Trinity Consciousness Therapy.

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