
“Bought” Documentary — Free viewing until March 6th

"Bought" Documentary --- Free viewing until March 6th 1

Good morning everyone!

Bought movie

This just came across my feed on Facebook from Dr. Joseph Mercola. This new documentary is called “Bought” and is free to view until March 6th.

While yes, this movie focuses on corruption in the Medical (Big Pharma) and Agriculture (Big Ag) Industries, it is also talking about many of the same exact struggles indirectly, or at least correlating struggles, that small, local companies face when trying to make our ways in the world.

Additionally, I find that this documentary is very timely with the measles outbreak, and there is a huge question raised during the interviews – as well as why the new bill trying to be passed in MN is not good news (you find out how parents have been treated when asking questions, as well as flat out lies they are told). Also, a local Neuropsychologist, Sarah Bridges, Ph. D., from Minneapolis is interviewed in the documentary!!!!

So, put away all of your pre-conceived notions of what you think is right and wrong, and listen to the questions.

from Dr. Joseph Mercola:
“The food, vaccine, drug, insurance and health industry are a multi-BILLION dollar BUSINESS. In this documentary, you will find out how you and your family have been “Bought” by profits and greed, compromising your health and your very lives. This film is available to watch for free until March 6th through this link: http://www.boughtmovie.net/free-viewing/

Lastly, as a side note — in years past it was very common for small, local businesses to sponsor either events, parks, baseball or basketball teams… though, we don’t see that as often anymore. Now, many of the parents in this video, and others in their exact situation, struggle day by day… and yes, they sometimes get assistance from state and federal governments… but that barely cuts it, and many of these parents are forced to turn to alternative and complementary medicine as they are finding solutions and benefits in those areas (as you kind of hear in the video especially in regards to nutrition). With “Special” needs children now being 1 in every 6, and getting higher each year… what can small, local businesses do to help those in need?

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