
May… we bring you more news: New Website for the Tech side, Dragon & Faerie Reiki with Becca this week & Sprø Gård Organic Farm Barnraiser

“If diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. If diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”
― Ancient Ayurvedic proverb
May... we bring you more news: New Website for the Tech side, Dragon & Faerie Reiki with Becca this week & Sprø Gård Organic Farm Barnraiser 1
Blessings Psinergy!
May 24, 2015 – Volume 6, Edition 08
Past Editions

May… we bring you more news?

“You are not what you eat, instead you are what you digest.”

~Ayurveda teachings

  • New website for the Tech side of the business!
  • Dragon & Faerie Reiki with Becca
  • Past Popular Articles
  • Local Business Highlight & Barnraiser Campaign:
    Sprø Gård Organic Farm
  • Upcoming Classes & Events
  • Free Stones: Stop on in & get a free gift!
  • Finding Holistic/Greener Businesses in the Twin Cities
  • More Upcoming Events around Town
  • Park Bugle *Feature* article:
    “Snelling and Como: a charming little corner of St. Paul”

May... we bring you more news: New Website for the Tech side, Dragon & Faerie Reiki with Becca this week & Sprø Gård Organic Farm Barnraiser 2A few weeks ago Google announced that it would start “downgrading” websites that were not mobile friendly on that Tuesday. Unfortunately, over the last 6 years we had not taken the time or energy to update our websites to a “mobile friendly” version as it meant a complete redesign of our current websites as well as either learning a new way of doing web design, or hiring someone to do it for us. Well, this abrupt announcement on April 21st from Google hit us very hard. We guess they have been saying it for months, though, not sure where. For a small, local business… a complete redesign in a few months can be tough. After the change, we went from receiving about 30 calls on average each day… down to 10… then after about a week, down to 3 to 5/day.

The good thing is that now the new website is live! It is not 100% complete, but the main portions of it are there. We still have to add in the information pages about our Computer Therapists and all of our support staff, and miscellaneous information overall… but the vast majority of it is now there 🙂

Please check out our new website at https://www.PsinergyTech.com/ and let us know what you think (and please share it with your friends, on Facebook, Google+, etc. That would help a lot!). If you go to the old website URL (stpaulvirusremoval.com), you will be redirected automatically to the new site.

Dragon & Faerie Reiki

with special times this week with Becca!


May... we bring you more news: New Website for the Tech side, Dragon & Faerie Reiki with Becca this week & Sprø Gård Organic Farm Barnraiser 3

Many people have heard of Reiki, an Energy Healing modality started by Usui over in Japan, though many don’t know of the wide range of styles available in Reiki. Becca has studied over 150 different styles of Reiki, and she has been encouraged to show off the Dragon & Faerie styles this week. Additionally this coming week she has been able to open up her schedule on Wednesday and Thursday.

Dragons are great at helping us clear obstacles with tremendous force and wisdom, while Faeries help lift our spirits and plant new seeds for growth and change. “Don’t underestimate them — they can be some pushy things if they need to be!” said Becca.

André experienced some Dragon Reiki done today and “Yup… ‘Bubba’, the big one, sat on my obstacle and cleared even more things out. Bubba and the others helped to show me that I can’t always move obstacles on my own, and the help was appreciated. Oh, and my shoulders are sitting lower now also!”

Local Business Highlight & Barnraiser campaign…

Sprø Gård Organic Farm

Sprø Gård Organic FarmSprø Gård is an organic farm located in Goodhue, Minnesota. We offer fresh, organic produce and pasture-raised poultry for eggs and meat.

Sprø Gård Farms wants to provide healthy, organic foods at prices EVERYONE can afford in our community.

They have a Barn Raiser project happening right now to help with the cost of converting their family owned farm to organic. Check out their Project on Barnraiser at: https://www.barnraiser.us/projects/crazy-farm-crazy-idea-crazy-good. They have many funding options including doubling your money towards future purchases as well as 30% back on your money (i.e. you give them $100 now, and they give you back $130 later).

You can also follow them on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/sprogard or
Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/sprogard

Past Popular Articles

Let others know…

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you received from us?
Let others know!

Psinergy Tech:

Psinergy Health:

How to find us:
We’re located at
1553 Como Ave, near the corner of Como & Snelling
across from Café 99
and next to
Beloved Studios.

June Classes at Psinergy

Wellness Night & Reiki Circle
Friday, June 5
7 PM to 9 PM

Reiki Level 2
Saturday, June 20
10 AM to 6 PM
Exchange: $210

(includes manual, before & after Kirlians of attunement, as well as Chakra Annointing Oils & Ayurvedic Chakra tea)

Sleep Therapies for you & your family
Tuesday, June 16
6 PM to 9 PM
Exchange: $25

May... we bring you more news: New Website for the Tech side, Dragon & Faerie Reiki with Becca this week & Sprø Gård Organic Farm Barnraiser 4

What all do we offer here? That’s a pretty big question as we offer a lot!

Additionally, on the Health side of our business, we also offer Monthly Wellness Membership to help keep maintaining your wellness more affordable. Also, almost any and all supplements can be purchased through our Online Dispensary – plus, we give you 5-15% off on each order! And as always — please keep referring people to us (on the tech side, for computer clients we give you a $10 credit towards future service — on the health side we cannot do that). If they have questions about what we do, or if we can help (which is very common on the health side of our business)… have them give us a call. We’re pretty friendly and try to explain things well.

Free Tumbled Beauties!

Free Stones!One of our fantastic clients brought in a bunch of tumbled stones for us to give away to people who come in! He loves to wander around in Northern MN and WI, and picks up stones to bring home to tumble.

So, stop on in… say hi, have a cup of tea or coffee, and get a free stone! Also, if you Check-In on Facebook, you will also receive a free packet of the Yoga Series Incense from Satya. Both free gifts are while supplies last, obviously.

Snelling and Como: a charming little corner of St. Paul

Snelling and Como: a charming little corner of St. Paul

Nestled in the shadow of the Minnesota State Fairgrounds and tucked beneath the Snelling Avenue overpass, many of the businesses at the corner of Como and Snelling avenues are thriving in an unlikely nook of St. Paul.

With Como Park directly to the east, train yards to the south and the fairgrounds to the north, the Snelling-Como business district sits in a pocket that leaves little room for new large-scale developments or expansion.

“I think because it’s so landlocked here, there’s really not a lot of room for development. I don’t see a lot of changes coming to it,” says Jim Thompson, the second-generation proprietor of J.O. Thompson Inc.

Upcoming Events

…You’re Invited!

May... we bring you more news: New Website for the Tech side, Dragon & Faerie Reiki with Becca this week & Sprø Gård Organic Farm Barnraiser 6

Find a massive amount of Local, Holistic & Green events online, from multiple sources, all in one place via the Twin Cities Holistic Directory.

May... we bring you more news: New Website for the Tech side, Dragon & Faerie Reiki with Becca this week & Sprø Gård Organic Farm Barnraiser 7

The Twin Cities Holistic & Greener Directory was created to be an affordable online resource for small and local businesses within the Twin Cities Metro region who are more holistically minded and focused on greener options and services.

Are you a small business owner? Make sure to get listed! It’s fast, easy and affordable!

More info at:

*As always, these statements (or any other in our newsletters, etc), have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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1553 Como Ave

St Paul, Minnesota 55108

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May... we bring you more news: New Website for the Tech side, Dragon & Faerie Reiki with Becca this week & Sprø Gård Organic Farm Barnraiser 8

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