
10/11/2015: Ailim (Arlm), or pine/fir

10/11/2015: Ailim (Arlm), or pine/fir 1

We’re finally out of Mercury Retrograde. I don’t have the exact time that Mercury returns direct, but part of me says: who cares?! It’s over! That very similar to the energy that I feel when I work with Ailim. Depending on who you talk to, Ailim represents either the scots pine or the silver fir tree. Both help us find our way! Ailim helps us see the clear picture so we are able to move forward. To me, it has long signaled a new beginning. Maybe it’s because we finally see the picture clear enough to jump onto a new path. It has also been long seen as a driving force of energy to start that new path.

So in the way many of us are excited that Mercury is finally turning direct, Ailim very much has an “it’s over!” energy to it this week. This is especially true for anyone who has entered a period, long or short, of darkness (stress, exhaustion, sadness, etc.) recently. It’s over. I can see it all clearly now. This is my next step.

For those that do not feel as though recently has been a tough time for them, now is a good time to try something new that you’ve been thinking about. Think about one thing you’ve been wanting to do and write them all down. Look at that list, then throw it away. Write a list that states all of the reasons you want to do it and how it would be possible. Forget that other list ever existed and just do it. Ailim says lets do it.

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