Happy Celtic New Year! We are taking time this week to work with Muin. She helps us to find balance in our lives. With her pointy thorns and sweet berries, Muin reminds us the importance of finding balance to flourish in our lives. Muin tells us that as we begin this “dark” half of the year (or new year to some), it’s time to ask what we need to find that delicate energy that is needed. What do you need to remove from your energy that no longer serves you a purpose? Are you focusing on something that no longer needs attention? Is this causing a distraction from the other “berries” in your life that need your attention to ripen? Are there projects or ideas that are calling for your attention? Are there relationships in your life that are just a thorn in your side?
Ask Muin to help you clearly see a situation. Is it a thorn or a berry? What can you do to make life’s berries the sweetest they have ever been?
Are you interested in learning ways to use the Ogham for manifesting and clearing? Check out the next class on November 11th! https://www.psinergyhealth.com/schedule/