
New Colorpuncture & Esogetics therapies for the Heart Brain

Balancing Heart Brain and Cranial Brain

We are excited to announce that SchaOn Blodgett CCP, BTAT recently completed the newest yearly update training in Esogetic Holistic Medicine & Colorpuncture. While many of these ideas have been discussed for thousands of years in various branches of holistic medicine, the focus this year was based on new insights from Neurocardiology, the newly recognized Lymphatic System located in the head (2015), the connection of the 3 brains (heart, cranial, belly), and new insights with Kirlian EEA.


“The Shen lives in the Heart”

In this training, we relate aspects of the program of the individual, or life script information, to the heart brain, while the subconscious and psycho-emotional aspects to the belly brain, and functional processes of the matter of the body more so to the cranial brain. This training contained 22 new therapies like the “Cone of Life”, “Cross of Love”, new therapies that we use for people with chronic pain issues, therapies to help open the pineal space, heart space, and more.


“Something pretty amazing is that the heart actually has an independent brain that is able to sense, learn and remember, with over 40,000 neuronal connections, and is able to sense before the other two! I’m really excited to be able to offer these new Colorpuncture therapies to clients here in the Twin Cities!” Blodgett said. “These therapies really help to open the heart-space, helping a person connect more with their core-self while also connecting all that to the processing power of all three brains. Many of these new therapies are really nice for people who need direction in their life, want to activate the flow of life/Life Force, and those with long-standing issues.”


Esogetic Holistic Medicine and Colorpuncture are forms of naturopathic medicine developed in Germany that utilize specific colored light frequencies on specifically defined points on the skin. For more information about Esogetics Colorpuncture, please read the May 2018 article “Esogetics and Colorpuncture: Effective Forms of Naturopathy”. Blodgett enjoys working with a wide range of people in regards to reducing the negative effects of stress on their lives, like busy, stressed-out professionals, ASD individuals, and people in the LGBTQ+ community.


To schedule a Free Mini-Initial Consultation with SchaOn, go to https://www.PsinergyHealth.com/free



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