
Skim vs Whole Milk… a dirty little truth

Skim vs Whole Milk... a dirty little truth 1
Skim vs Whole Milk... a dirty little truth 2

This is a pretty awesome article about Skim Milk (linked at bottom). Remember, cholesterol helps in maintaining a healthy metabolism, helps repair/rebuild brain cells (meaning you can think clearly), linked to blood sugar levels, linked to the stress responses of the body, and soooooo much more. Hmmm… I wonder if this maybe a huge contributing reason as to why American’s are so frequently cloudy headed, stressed out, and getting fatter by the day?

“Cream has been considered a true health food for centuries. In Ancient Greece, Olympic athletes drank a bowlful of cream to give them strength and endurance before competition. Why? Because cream steadies blood sugar for an extended period of time. No ups and downs in insulin when your diet has lots of wonderful saturated fat in it. It is only when you eat lowfat that blood sugar issues such as diabetes and hypoglycemia tend to arise.”

Full Article: “Why Skim Milk Will Make You Fat and Give You Heart Disease” : http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/why-skim-milk-will-make-you-fat-and/

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