
Newsletter: Deep Transformation in November with Hidden Knowledge from within…


We specialize in helping business
professionals who want to either stay healthy,
or become truly healthy, that struggle with
a mountain of stress
We have a simple, relaxing system that can help
bring back your youthful and playful-side,
allowing you to enjoy your life again, while
still performing at the top of your game.

(612) 217-HEAL / (612)

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Deep Transformation in November

with Hidden Knowledge from

In this update:

Schedule a Session
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November is represented by the
11th sephira in the Tree of
Life. Daath, located in the
upper chest starting at the
Sternal Notch, deals with the
Knowledge of the Universe
contained with, of everything,
our own personal ‘Akashic
Records’ you could say. The
element would be Air,
the Function Circle of the
Kidney/Bladder (Fear/Anxiety in
the negative) and dealing with
the brainwave of Alpha, the
brainwave of Wakeful Rest and
Meditation. Daath is like a
bridge between worlds, and we
find that through the meditative
state/relaxed awakened mind,
that we are able to release the
attachments, conflicts, fears
and anxieties that hold us back
from our own innate Knowing,
which then allows us to climb
the ladder towards the Divine.

Daath is about absolute change
and transformation, and the
knowledge obtained through those
changes and transformations. We
find information from the past
within… as well as all future
potentials. Attachment and
Conflicts blocks the persons
ability to change and to
transform… not allowing for
growth along your path. In
working with Daath, these
blockages become apparent,
allowing you to release the old,
and celebrate the new.

Meditate on this symbol
for 5 minutes a day
the month of November to help
release negative attachments and
conflicts. This will increase
more vivid dreaming, and
sometimes can be very intense
(you are opening up the flow of
information that you have
blocked from yourself, so are
you ready to confront your own
demons?). If placing on the
skin, it would go on the upper
chest, the top located at the
sternal notch. Alternately, you
could also print off this symbol
(make it about 2.5 inches) and
stand above it for about 5

Schedule an Attachement
Release Session

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Polarity Therapies with
Briana Crusan, CMT, PP

We are very happy to
announce an additional
to the Psinergy Natural
Health & Holistic
Wellness Team! Briana
Crusan is a very
talented Holistic
Wellness Professional
who specializes in a
deeply relaxing system
called Polarity Therapy.

Polarity Therapy is
based primarily off the
principles of Ayurvedic
Medicine. According to
Polarity Therapy there
are four bodies:
spiritual, mental,
emotional, and physical.
The first 3 are
‘energetic’ or
‘intangible’ and the
physical which is
‘tangible’ or

Theory also holds that
there are five elements
contained within the
physical body, namely
Water, Fire, Earth, Air
and Ether. When all of
the bodies and elements
are in alignment, the
individual is in their
natural state of
homeostasis, and they
experience optimum
health. When these
bodies and elements are
out of alignment, or
become blocked, dis-ease
can manifest.

Polarity Therapy seeks
to bring all bodies and
elements back into
alignment through the
activation of specific
points along the
tangible body as well as
energetic clearing of
intangible bodies.
Points on the physical
body are activated by
way of light touch from
the fingers, energy
bodies are cleared
through the use of
crystals, visualization
and sound techniques.
The end result is deep
relaxation, feelings of
clarity and
revitalization. The
ultimate goal is to
bring the individual
back to a state of

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Santa's Workshop - December 9th

Santa’s Workshop –

Sun. Dec. 9th :: 10 AM
to 6 PM

A Holiday
Shopping &
Relaxation Event!
Jewelry, Crystals,
Chocolatier, Wine
Tasting, Soaps,
Psychics, Mediums,
Tarot, Spiritual
Healers, Energy
Work, Shiatsu
Massage and more.
Sheraton Minneapolis
12201 Ridgedale
Minnetonka, MN  (map)~ $5 Admission ~

More info at:


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Monthly Memberships

We are now offering 2
Levels of Monthly

  • Individual
    +incl. 1-60 minute
    session every month,
    +3 Drop-In Sound
    Therapy sessions,
    +20% off additional
    appts in the month,
    +10% off classes,
    +Free Group
    +other discounts!
  • Family
    Memberships (or)
    Premium Individual
    +incl. 4-60 minute
    sessions every
    +12 Drop-In Sound
    Therapy sessions,
    +20% off additional
    appts in the month,
    +10% off classes,
    +Free Group
    +other discounts!

for Membership
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On the Edge of
Everything – Moving
Forward… or Sideways?

This month our topic
is about “Moving
Forward, or
World News
Local News & Local
Event Highlights
a Special Local
Guest, Leigh
Cohen Wyatt
André w/ Technology
& Security for
Today, ‘Computers
& Mercury Retrograde
Special guest & Main
Topic, Anne Tenner
with the National
Health Freedom
8:45-9 PM:
Wrap-up, where we’ll
be/meet us in
person, Highlights
for next show

Join us the 2nd
Sunday of each month
7 PM to 9 PM CST as
we talk about the
latest news and
updates in Holistic
Healthcare, review
of Products &
Services for your
Health & Well-being
of the Mind Body and
Soul, vitamins &
minerals, talk about
Conspiracies, or
maybe even talk
about UFO’s, crystal
skulls & more!
So, grab a cup of
coffee, tea or some
hemp/almond milk,
ask us questions
live in the chat
room, or even call
us live on air and
join in on the fun!

Listen in / Chat

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The Meaning of Colors

Light Turquoise –
Relates to the
inner-psyche. Creates a
deep feeling of peace,
contentment and
happiness. Breathing
also becomes easier, and
the mind calms.

about the
meaning of

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Dream Zones for
Inner Harmony

The zones of Inner
Harmony promotes
balance of the body
and psyche. These 3
zones – the Zones of
Anxiety, Sorrow and
Joy, when stimulated
in order, can be a
very transformative
at-home therapy.
After 8 nights of
treatment, then do a
week of rest from
the therapies. The
Zone of Joy can also
be stimulated during
the day to increase
a general sense of
well being, or in
the case of morning
stiffness, or when
relaxation is
For detailed
instructions, go to
excerpt from the
Dream Disk Book
read from pages 109
to 113 (in the PDF
they are pages 7 to

Dream Disk

Newsletter: Deep Transformation in November with Hidden Knowledge from within... 2

Computer Retrograde?

You need André…

Psinergy TechWarrior St.
Paul offers affordable
computer repair services


Balance & Harmony
back to your

André at 

TechWarrior St.


(612) 234-7237

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