

November News …and Healthy Tips for early Winter!

November News …and Healthy Tips for early Winter! In this update: Getting ready for the Chill of Winter: The Vata/Pitta Transition, Bladder/Kidney Season and other tips for the upcoming season & Vata Cold Season Tea Mindful Meditation Relieves Inflammation: Reduce Stress, Reduce Symptoms Organic India Formulas: Immunity, Trikatu and Triphala Lunch Hour Group Sound &[...]

Happy Summer and July Newsletter!

Happy Summer and July Newsletter! …a July Update In this update: Happy July: Awesome News and other stuff! In the News: GreenMedInfo article, “Biophotons: The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light” The Abhyanga: Do this before showering and start the day out right! Upcoming Events: Fun[...]

Happy May Day & Celebrating your Sexuality!

Happy May Day & Celebrating your Sexuality! …a May Update In this update: Edge May Article: “Celebrate Sexuality” by Briana Therapy from Grey symbol seminar: Rose Quartz therapy for Insomnia & Sleep Issues 20% off: Initial Consultations! Free Therapy Day: for Allergy Sufferers – Friday, May 10 This Friday: 9-Weeks[...]

Rhythm of Spring, Blue Light possible next Gen Antibiotic & Events this coming week

Rhythms of the Season, Blue Light may be next Gen Antibiotic & Upcoming Events …a March Update In this update: Article on Dr. Mercola’s website: “Blue Light and Sunshine may be next Gen Weapon against Antibiotic-Resistant Infections” This Friday: 4-Weeks of Wholeness continues with the Mind! Rhythms of the Season: What[...]

Happy Winter Solstice …a Mid-December Update

We specialize in helping business professionals who want to either stay healthy, or become truly healthy, that struggle with a mountain of stress. We have a simple, relaxing system that can help bring back your youthful and playful-side, allowing you to enjoy your life again, while still performing at the top of[...]

Celebrate in December :: Mid-December Newsletter

We specialize in helping business professionals who want to either stay healthy, or become truly healthy, that struggle with a mountain of stress. We have a simple, relaxing system that can help bring back your youthful and playful-side, allowing you to enjoy your life again, while still performing at the top of[...]

Newsletter: Deep Transformation in November with Hidden Knowledge from within…

  We specialize in helping business professionals who want to either stay healthy, or become truly healthy, that struggle with a mountain of stress. We have a simple, relaxing system that can help bring back your youthful and playful-side, allowing you to enjoy your life again, while still performing at the top[...]

Allergy Season is here… :: Mid-September Updates

We offer Esogetics & BodyTalk Access therapies in-office including: Colorpuncture, Transmitter Relays, Infra-Red, Induction, Crystals, I Ching, Dream, Karma & Bardo, Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis, Tongue Analysis, Iridology, and more! (612) 217-HEAL / (612) 217-4325 Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend Yesod Yesod / Foundation / Completion  : September is represented[...]
Harvest Moon Event :: a Moonlight & Magic Expo :: Sept 8, 2012 65

Harvest Moon Event :: a Moonlight & Magic Expo :: Sept 8, 2012

Harvest Moon by Moonlight & Magic, a Fall Holistic Healing, Psychic & Music Festival is Saturday, September 8th, 2012 from 10 AM to 7 PM at the Millenium Hotel in Minneapolis at 1313 Nicollet Mall. When you walk through the doors at this powerful new age event, you’ll immediately feel the transformational energy in[...]

Eternal Love is like the beat of the Heart or a breath of Air :: July Newsletter

  We offer Esogetics & BodyTalk Access therapies in-office including: Colorpuncture, Transmitter Relays, Infra-Red, Induction, Crystals, I Ching, Dream, Karma & Bardo, Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis, Tongue Analysis, Iridology, and more! (612) 217-HEAL / (612) 217-4325 Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend Netzah Netzah / Eternity / Order / Child[...]

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