
Celebrate in December :: Mid-December Newsletter

We specialize in helping business
professionals who want to either stay healthy, or become truly
healthy, that struggle with
a mountain of stress
We have a simple, relaxing system that can help bring back your
youthful and playful-side, allowing you to enjoy your life
again, while still performing at the top of your game.(612) 217-HEAL / 612-217-4325
Celebrate in December :: Mid-December Newsletter 1

Celebrate in December


In this update:

  • Celebrate in December :: Mid-December Newsletter 2Psinergy
    TechWarrior St. Paul
     earns an
    esteemed 2012 Angie’s List Award!
  • Article: Ending
    of the Old, Bringing in the New
  • Dream Zones for
    Inner-Direction (Subconscious, Cramp,
    Partnership & Memory)
  • Meaning of Colors: Red & Green
  • This Weekend! Holiday
    Open House
    Dec 15th
  • Start the New Year out right with Transmitters
  • Monthly Membership for
    Families & Individuals & New Transmitter
    Relay 3-month Membership

Celebrate in December :: Mid-December Newsletter 3


Celebrate in December :: Mid-December Newsletter 4


Celebrate in December :: Mid-December Newsletter 5


Celebrate in December :: Mid-December Newsletter 6


Celebrate in December :: Mid-December Newsletter 7

Forward to

Psinergy TechWarrior St. Paul earns Esteemed
2012 Angie’s List Super Service Award!

Psinergy TechWarrior Saint Paul Earns Esteemed 2012 Angie’s List Super Service Award

Psinergy TechWarrior Saint Paul has
earned the service industry-coveted
2012 Angie’s List Super Service
Award, an honor awarded annually to
approximately 5 percent of all the
companies rated on Angie’s List, the
nation’s leading provider of consumer
 on local
service companies
“Psinergy had a TechWarrior come to
my house to fix a multitude of
problems I was having with my
computer. He did a great job of
identifying and fixing problems with
my system. He also gave me advice on
other questions I had about the
computer. He was at the house for a
couple of hours and was very
professional, courteous, and clean.
I was more than satisfied and have
recommended their service to
friends. I will go to Psinergy
TechWarrior Saint Paul for service
in the future.”
“It’s a select group of companies
rated on Angie’s List that can claim
the exemplary customer service
record of being a Super Service
Award winner,” said Angie’s List
Founder Angie Hicks. “Our standards
for the Super Service Award are
quite high. The fact that
PsinergyTechWarrior Saint Paul
earned this recognition speaks
volumes about its dedication
providing great service to its

Get Computer Help from Psinergy TechWarrior
St. Paul
Ending the Old, Bringing in the New

by SchaOn Blodgett, CCP,

This is generally the time
of year where we bustle
around and stress ourselves
out more than any other time
of the year. Family
obligations, finding the
‘right’ gift for those
special someones, having to
prepare a Turkey (and you
don’t want to give anyone
food poisoning), hot dishes,
hams, etc.
I am always amazed that the
stress hasn’t killed us
when December 31st arrives
and we celebrate the ending
of the old year, and rejoice
in the possibilities of the
new, and to have realized we
made it through the hectic
November and December
‘Holiday’ Season. At the
stroke of Midnight, we look
back through the previous
years, searching our soul
and consciousness for the
‘perfect’ New Year’s
Resolution that will
hopefully make us a better
person; Losing weight,
quitting smoking, stop
swearing, actually using
that gym membership, being
happy inside/with ourselves,
not dating ‘losers’, and the
list goes on.
The reason, I
believe, that we
make ‘New Year
Resolutions’ is
because it is at
this time that
the sun begins
to grow again.
Many of us are
familiar with
intentions on
either the New
Moon or the Full
Moon, though, I
don’t think many
of us have truly
thought about
the intentions
we set (or
should we say
resolutions), on
the ‘New’ Sun…
aka the Winter
Solstice, or the
‘Full’ Sun, aka
the Summer
Solstice. I
would go to
say… that on
some level of
our being
though, we know
this, though
have forgotten
the tools that
we each carry

[Continue Reading]


Schedule an Appointment

Celebrate in December :: Mid-December Newsletter 8

Holiday Open House

December 15th
12 Noon to 4 PM
Come on in, get a Free
Kirlian Photograph, talk
with Holistic Health
Professionals, and
experience a powerfully
relaxing sound therapy.
Bring a friend & get a
Gift Certificate for a
‘Drop-in Sound therapy’
Learn about /
  • Esogetics: Light,
    Sound & Crystal
  • Polarity Therapies
  • Esogetics Kirlian
    Energy Emission Analysis

*Other select, local
business will also be at
the Open House.

Psinergy Natural Health
& Holistic Wellness
821 Raymond Ave., Ste.
(Baker Court
Professional Bldg)
Saint Paul, MN 55114 (map/directions)

Monthly Memberships

We are now offering 2 Levels of
Monthly Memberships.

  • Individual
    +incl. 1-60 minute session every
    +3 Drop-In Sound Therapy
    +20% off additional appts in the
    +10% off classes,
    +Free Group Sessions,
    +other discounts!
  • Family Memberships (or)
    Premium Individual
    +incl. 4-60 minute sessions
    every month,
    +12 Drop-In Sound Therapy
    +20% off additional appts in the
    +10% off classes,
    +Free Group Sessions,
    +other discounts!
  • Transmitter 3-month
    +4 – 90 minute Transmitter
    sessions every month
    ($105.50/session, savings =
    +12 sessions are done over a
    3-month period
    +20% off additional
    appointments through the
    +10% off classes, workshops,
    group sessions, etc
    +Group Audio Sessions are
    now Free!
    +$25 Acute Sick Care
    Appointments (normally $35)
    +$10 Drop-In Audio/Sound
    Therapies (normally $20 –
    50% savings!)
    +Members Receive 3 Drop-in
    Audio/Sound therapies with
    their membership!
    +Membership stops renewal
    after 3 times

Enroll Today

Dream Zones for

Celebrate in December :: Mid-December Newsletter 9

The zones of Inner-Direction
promotes insight into
onesself.These 4 zones – Partnership
and Memory, Subconscious and
Cramp, when stimulated in
order, can be a very
transformative at-home
therapy. The rubbing of
these area can strengthen
direction-pointing dreams
(great to use right before
the New Year / Winter

For detailed instructions,
go to the additional
excerpt from the Dream Disk
read from pages 114 to 118
(in the PDF they are pages
12 to 16)


Celebrate in December :: Mid-December Newsletter 10
The Meaning of Colors


Red penetrates into the body
deeply as the wavelength is
wider, and hence able to go
around the cells easier. Red
is used in all cases of low
or inadequate blood supply,
it is the color of the
heart, lungs, and muscles.
It raises the blood pressure
as well as the breath
frequency, enhances
circulation and is used for
treating puss-free wounds
and inflammation, skin
diseases, chronic coughs,
asthma, inflammation of the
throat, anemia and herpes.
Red also makes a person
talkative, more animated,
happy, eager and passionate.
Green –
Green is a neutralizing
color. We utilize this color
to work on metabolism
issues, diabetic responses,
chronic diseases, ulcers,
cysts, and eye disorders.
Green has a harmonizing and
balancing effect, and brings
contentment, sedates and

Celebrate in December :: Mid-December Newsletter 11

Start the New Year right with

The Transmitter Relays (also called
the “Watchman of the Gate”)
a specific segment of therapies
within the Esogetics system that
specifically deal with the life
lessons or life patterns that have
been created, and hence what will be
created based on previously
experienced life patterns
(conflicts). The therapy of the
Transmitter Relays is one
possibility for soul transformation.
The transmitter relays, if done in
its entirety, are done over 12 weeks
(1 session/week), though a shorter
segment of 6 sessions is possible by
only going through the first 4


Copyright © 2012 Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic
Wellness, All rights reserved.

You are receiving this email because you are either a current
client of our company (Psinergy), or have signed up to receive
more information at one of the expos/events that we have
attended.Our mailing address is:

Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic

821 Raymond Ave
Ste. 260

St. Paul, Minnesota 55114

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