
April Showers brings New Life …an April Update

Showers brings New Life

…an April

In this update:

  • Co-Creating in April:
    This is our April Special!April Showers brings New Life ...an April Update 1
  • This Friday:
    9-Weeks of Transformation
  • 21-Day Challenge:
  • Financing
    : We know that your
    Health is important…
  • Popular
    Past Articles
  • Edge Radio: New
  • Monthly Memberships for
    Families, Individuals & New Transmitter
    Relay 3-month Membership


  • Next Newsletter Preview: Updates
    from the Symbol Updates Seminar
    (Polarity, Trinity and Quadrature
    therapies with the Gold/Silver, Greys
    and Elemental Crystals) SchaOn took on
    March 10th

Co-Creating Collaboration in

Is Stress holding you hostage? April Special!
has always been about bringing
the community as best as we can
as it creates something bigger
and more special – it is the
reasoning behind the name of our
company after all, and we have a
terrific opportunity coming in
April because of this!

As April is all about Spring
your house and where you live –
saging, dusting and
re-arranging, we realized that
it is a terrific time to also do
some personal Spring Cleaning
for the Mind, Body and Soul.
In Collaboration with Good
Intentions Soap Company
we have developed a very nice,
exclusive soap to help do just
this, the “Refresh Psinergy”
soap. This custom soap is a
combination of an Organic Hemp
or Aloe Glycerin Soap infused
with the Esogetics
Wildcrafted Relax oil


9-Weeks of
Transformation Series

We are continuing our Sound
Therapy journey this month with
the 9-weeks of Transformation.
Drop in for just one, or all 9.
Each week is only $10.

April Showers brings New Life ...an April Update 2

Over a 9-week period, we
work to reharmonize the
Mind, Body and Soul
through the Esogetics
Soundscapes Therapies.
These therapies help to
enhance the dream state
of the individual,
allowing the person to
access deeper knowledge
and understanding of
what is already held
within, as well as
helping to open the
consciousness to higher
Week 1: Balance,
Week 2: Regeneration,
Week 3: Self-Confidence,
Week 4: Vitality,
Week 5: Self-Knowledge,
Week 6: Change,
Week 7: Reorientation,
Week 8: Harmony,
Week 9: Completion,
For more information, go
and click on “9-weeks of
Transformational Group
Sound Therapies” or call
612-217-HEAL (4325). **Registration
is required.**
*As always, these statements (or
any other in our newsletters, etc),
have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
21-Day Challenge: Breath

Here is a relaxing, and easy thing to try
for the next 21-Days for overall general
well being and helping the system to become
dynamic and communicating better with

April Showers brings New Life ...an April Update 3Step

Set a timer for 10 minutes. You can use
the timer on your cell phone, a kitchen
timer, etc.Step 2:
Sit in a Chair, on the Floor or anywhere
comfortable, with correct posture if

Financing Options now available!

We understand that your health is
important, and while we would LOVE
to be able to not have to charge for
our services, this is the world that
we live in. So, we found an option
that may help you to finance these
valuable services and potentially
make it easier for you.

Check out the PayPal “Bill Me Later”
(function (d, t) {
“use strict”;
var s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0], n = d.createElement(t);
n.src = “//paypal.adtag.where.com/merchant.js”;
s.parentNode.insertBefore(n, s);
}(document, “script”));

To use the PayPal Bill Me Later
feature, when booking your
appointment online, select the “Pay
Now” option, and this will transfer
you to the PayPal payment interface
which allows you to select the “Bill
Me Later” feature.

If you have any questions on the
“Bill Me Later” feature, please
contact their Customer Service
Center at: (888) 528-3733.

April Showers brings New Life ...an April Update 4Latest Episode:
Sunday, March 10th, 7 to
9 PM

This months topics: Spring,
New Beginnings, MN GMO Bill
& MN Right to Know, Body
Mind Life Expo, Beyond
Conspiracy, Farmers and the
USDA Court Issues, Food
Safety & Soft-Ripened Raw
Milk Cheeses, and much more!

Listen to Podcast

Join us the 2nd Sunday of
each month from 7 PM to 9 PM
CST as we talk about the
latest news and updates in
Holistic Healthcare, review
of Products & Services for
your Health & Well-being of
the Mind Body and Soul,
vitamins & minerals, talk
about Conspiracies, or maybe
even talk about UFO’s,
crystal skulls & more!

So, grab a cup of coffee,
tea or some hemp/almond
milk, ask us questions live
in the chat room, or even
call us live on air and join
in on the fun!


Monthly Memberships

We are now offering 2 Levels of
Monthly Memberships, as well as a
comprehensive Multi-Month therapy

  • Individual
    +incl. 1-60 minute session every
    +3 Drop-In Sound Therapy
    +20% off additional appts in the
    +10% off classes,
    +Free Group Sessions,
    +other discounts!
  • Family Memberships (or)
    Premium Individual
    +incl. 4-60 minute sessions
    every month,
    +12 Drop-In Sound Therapy
    +20% off additional appts in the
    +10% off classes,
    +Free Group Sessions,
    +other discounts!
  • Transmitter 3-month
    +4 – 90 minute Transmitter
    sessions every month
    ($105.50/session, savings =
    +12 sessions are done over a
    3-month period
    +20% off additional
    appointments through the
    +10% off classes, workshops,
    group sessions, etc
    +Group Audio Sessions are
    now Free!
    +$25 Acute Sick Care
    Appointments (normally $35)
    +$10 Drop-In Audio/Sound
    Therapies (normally $20 –
    50% savings!)
    +Members Receive 3 Drop-in
    Audio/Sound therapies with
    their membership!
    +Membership stops renewal
    after 3 times

Enroll Today
Copyright © 2013 Psinergy Natural Health
& Holistic Wellness, All rights reserved.

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