
Mid-July Newsletter, New Locations and New/Returning Client Specials!

Mid-July Newsletter and New/Returning Client Specials!
…a July Update

In this update:

Mid-July Newsletter, New Locations and New/Returning Client Specials! 1

  • New/Returning Client Special: If I haven’t seen you in 6 months, you can get in on this also!
  • New Locations: In September, Psinergy will be at 2 *new* locations!
  • Beat the Heat: Some useful, simple things to help with this heat
  • Upcoming Events: Fun stuff to do this summer!
  • Memberships: Monthly Memberships got better!
  • Popular Past Articles

Are you enjoying the Heat wave…

I know many people struggle when it gets very hot, humid, and just, well, ugh. Below I have placed links for a few articles with tips to help keep cool during this heat wave. AndrĂ© and I have personally used these, and they are fantastic!Additionally, in September we will be moving office locations, and will have two different locations! This will be fun, though, all I can say is WOW… there have been a LOT of transitions over the last month and a half or so.

Also, SchaOn is now an Authorized Lay Class Instructor with the U.S. Esogetics Colorpuncture Institute, and will be teaching classes coming up! More information below in the “Upcoming Events” section (as well as some other fun stuff in there).

Lastly, to celebrate AndrĂ© and I being able to become legally married on August 1st, we are offering 35% off Initial Consultations for New and Returning Clients (returning clients are clients I have not seen within the last 6 months). Initial Consultations are 2 hours long, and very in-depth. If you have not had a session in the last 6 months, we have a lot more tools available to us as SchaOn is constantly adding additional training and tools to his repertoire. To get the 35% off an Initial Consultation, use promo code “July2013-35” when booking. Promo ends July 31st… so book early!

Schedule Appointment
*As always, these statements (or any other in our newsletters, etc), have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

New Locations as of September 1st…

The last month and a half or so has been kind of crazy with massive changes. One of the biggest changes has been that the Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness offices will be moving in with Holistic Gateway (along with Shen-Men ~a healing arts collaborative) in September! This new Holistic Wellness Center is called “Raven House” and is located in the North East Arts District at 1415 6th St NE on the 2nd floor. This features an organic garden all around the house, a beautiful back porch, wood floors, and everything done environmentally friendly! To say the least, it is just beautiful and healing! FYI — Cornelia (Holistic Gateway) will start working out of Raven House in August, as well as Natural Awakenings magazines will start being delivered there!While this is a beautiful location, we understand that this maybe out of the way for some clients, or some clients may not be able to climb the stairs, so we will have a 2nd office location on Monday’s at The Wellness Circle in Lino Lakes. SchaOn is also very excited to start working with the wide variety of practitioner here as well!

So, watch your emails for upcoming open houses!!!

Beat the Heat…

Summer heat can be horrific on anyone system. Below you can find some fantastic articles about simple, and nummy ways to help keep you healthy and balanced 🙂

Upcoming Events

You’re Invited!         
Sunday, July 21st, 1-3 PM
“The Circle” Networking Event @ Hearts Inspire Health Wellness CenterWednesday, August 1st, TBD
SchaOn and André get legally married in MN!
(we had a Handfasting Ceremony 5 years ago on August 1st — Happy 5 Anniversary – the Year of Changes!)

Wednesday, August 14th
SchaOn turns 33 (I think that’s right… LOL. Isn’t 33 a Master Number?) This will be fun! haha!

Thursday, September 19th, 7 to 10 PM
Class @ Meta Institute: Body Signals & Activating Dreams for Healing

Recurring Events:

Every Friday from 7-10 PM
Friday Chat & Play Social

Monthly Wellness Memberships

Wellness doesn’t just happen, it is something that is always happening. Work Stress, Chaos at Home, problems with friends all throw us off our center, helping to contribute in a decline of our overall Wellness.Regular Wellness Sessions are important for anyone who wants be in their center, happy & healthy. A Monthly Wellness membership is also a fantastic way to budget in regular Holistic Wellness therapies.

We offer multiple levels of memberships to fit your Holistic Wellness needs:

  • Individual
  • Individual+
  • Family
  • Transmitter 3 month
More about Monthly Wellness Memberships

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