August News: Summer is all about Fire and Transformation, Our New Websites, Windows 10 Woes and Wows, and other awesome stuff
“The only thing that is constant is change.” ― Heraclitus August 9, 2015 – Volume 6, Edition 11 August News “Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.” – Les Brown Transformation & Changes What have we been up to the last few months… Tech: “The Woes, and Wows, of Windows[...] |
End of Month Specials at Psinergy!
Get 25% off Initial Consultations and/or Follow-up Sessions through the end of October. Often times, things get pretty crazy in the fall, and sometimes we need a little extra incentive to come in for an appointment to help us deal with all the stress, and to help make sure our[...] |
Mid-July Newsletter, New Locations and New/Returning Client Specials!
Mid-July Newsletter and New/Returning Client Specials! …a July Update In this update: New/Returning Client Special: If I haven’t seen you in 6 months, you can get in on this also! New Locations: In September, Psinergy will be at 2 *new* locations! Beat the Heat: Some useful, simple things to help[...] |
Free Workshop this Thursday 9/13 :: 6 to 10 PM
Workshop: Esogetics Basics In this 4-hour Workshop you will learn briefly about the wide depth of what is Esogetics and what it encompasses. You will learn about 9 of the main modalities within Esogetics, about the Esogetics Model, what the 16 colors are used for. You will even have the opportunity[...] |
A Strong Foundation allows you to weather the Storm…
We offer Esogetics & BodyTalk Access therapies in-office including: Colorpuncture, Transmitter Relays, Infra-Red, Induction, Crystals, I Ching, Dream, Karma & Bardo, Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis, Tongue Analysis, Iridology, and more! (612) 217-HEAL / (612) 217-4325 Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend Yesod Yesod / Foundation / Completion : September is represented[...] |
Moonlight & Magic expo coming in April
Moonlight & Magic expo coming in April By Staff Reports Moonlight and Magic, a new fantasy-themed expo of psychics, healers and energy workers, will debut on Saturday, April 21, at Cambria Suites in Maple Grove, MN, with hands-on and interactive classes throughout the event. Admission is $5. The event location[...] |