
August News: Summer is all about Fire and Transformation, Our New Websites, Windows 10 Woes and Wows, and other awesome stuff

Summer is all about Fire and Transformation

“The only thing that is constant is change.” 
― Heraclitus

August 9, 2015 – Volume 6, Edition 11

August News

“Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.”
– Les Brown

  • Transformation & Changes What have we been up to the last few months…
  • Tech: “The Woes, and Wows, of Windows 10”
  • Certification Update Training: SchaOn just completed even more training… and Becca is adding more Reiki styles!
  • Upcoming Classes & Events @ Psinergy
  • Finding Holistic/Greener Businesses in the Twin Cities
  • More Upcoming Events around Town
  • Natural Awakenings Twin Cities article:
    “Minnesota’s Largest Solar Energy Project Greenlighted”

August is all about change and transformation...We missed the newsletter last month… though, I think you’ll understand why 🙂

On April 21st, Google announced that it would start downgrading non-mobile friendly websites starting that day in search results (they had warned users about 2 months before this, but didn’t give a solid date). Re-creating your website is a HUGE burden [understatement] for a small, local businesses like ours… but we had to do it. Within 1 week of this change, we went from getting approximately 30 calls a day between both sides of the business… down to about 3 to 5/day!!!

To say the least, SchaOn has been crazy busy creating the new tech website (https://www.PsinergyTech.com), and the new health website (https://www.PsinergyHealth.com) which ended up pulling SchaOn away from much of his day to day duties, marketing and networking. The new tech website took SchaOn about 3 weeks to do, and the new health website (which has about 10x’s the amount of content as the tech site does) took about a month and 1/2. Also, even at this point, not everything is on there, but it had to go live so we could be focusing on the day to day operations, and add the rest as time goes on.

While yes, we are starting to recover from this, we are still recovering though it would really help tremendously if everyone could share our websites with their social networks, let people know about us, and help us get busier (because we could really use it now).

Also, if you haven’t had a computer tune-up in the last 6 months, now is a really good time to do it before the school season starts, or if you haven’t had a session with SchaOn or Becca… there’s no better time than the present.

The Woes, and Wows, of Windows 10!

The Woes, and Wows, of Windows 10!The Windows 10 upgrades, for us, have been a breeze! Honestly, it was an amazingly easy and smooth upgrade. We were really amazed that all of our settings transferred over… even the saved session of Google Chrome. Now while the upgrade was the easiest we have ever experienced, there are some things to note and be cautious with.

Windows 10 was released a little over a week ago and to say it has mixed reviews would be a gross understatement. This release of Windows was brought to market very quickly, and was originally slated to be released September/October. Many tech preview users were kind of surprised to still be receiving major updates just a few days before the launch.

We’ve installed it on a few machines with very few problems, though pretty glaring problems at the same time. The concerns have more been after it was installed. These have included freezing and lockups, driver crashes, Windows system files freezing, and massive privacy and data security issues. We’ve also heard about many more drastic problems from multiple sources.

Let’s start with the basics

Most systems currently running Windows 10 were upgraded from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 machines. Due to the wide variety of configurations, there are bound to be some driver issues, this really isn’t anything new, but is something that has been very frustrating for early adopters.

More Learning has happened!

As everyone is very aware of, SchaOn loves to learn. As such, he just completed the first half of the new Colorpuncture Certification Update Training. This update training brought new insights into holistic therapies as well as new therapies. SchaOn is very excited to be able to share these therapies with clients, and clients who have already received some of these newer therapies have been very happy with them. He finishes the second half of the update training in the later part of September.

Additionally, Becca (another one who loves learning as much as possible) has started attuning to even more styles of Reiki. Some of the new systems include Ayurvedic, Chakra Healing, Karmic, Huna, Lotus Petal, Ouroborus, Phoenix Seichim, Elenari, Ethereal Flowers 1 & 2, and Maha Kali Seichim Reiki. This will be fun, and watch for updates as Becca completes each Attunement!

What all do we offer here? That’s a pretty big question as we offer a lot!

Additionally, on the Health side of our business, we also offer Monthly Wellness Membership to help keep maintaining your wellness more affordable. Also, almost any and all supplements can be purchased through our Online Dispensary – plus, we give you 5-15% off on each order!And as always — please keep referring people to us (on the tech side, for computer clients we give you a $10 credit towards future service — on the health side we are not allowed to do that). If they have questions about what we do, or if we can help (which is very common on the health side of our business)… have them give us a call. We’re pretty friendly and try to explain things well.


August Classes at Psinergy

Celtic Reiki for Manifestation Workshop

Friday, August 14
6 PM to 8 PM
Exchange: $25(1 spot left)

Reiki Level 2

Saturday, August 15
10 AM to 6 PM
Exchange: $210(includes manual, before & after Kirlians of attunement, as well as Chakra Annointing Oils & Ayurvedic Chakra tea)

Minnesota’s Largest Solar Energy Project Greenlighted

Minnesota’s Largest Solar Energy Project Greenlighted

Minnesota State Regulators approved in May a site permit for what will become the state’s largest solar energy project. Geronimo Energy’s Aurora Project will build up to 210 solar generation facilities across the state to supply electricity to Xcel Energy customers.

Upcoming Events

…You’re Invited!
August News: Summer is all about Fire and Transformation, Our New Websites, Windows 10 Woes and Wows, and other awesome stuff 1The Friday Chat & Play Socials are back and held the 3rd Friday of each month!The next one is 8/21.

August News: Summer is all about Fire and Transformation, Our New Websites, Windows 10 Woes and Wows, and other awesome stuff 2

The Twin Cities Holistic & Greener Directory was created to be an affordable online resource for small and local businesses within the Twin Cities Metro region who are more holistically minded and focused on greener options and services.Are you a small business owner? Make sure to get listed! It’s fast, easy and affordable!

More info at:

Both Psinergy Health & Psinergy Tech are proud members of:
Twin Cities Metro IBA

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