
Happy Autumn and Healthy Tips for the Fall Season

Happy Autumn

…and Healthy Tips for the Fall!

In this update:Happy Autumn and Healthy Tips for the Fall Season 1

  • Happy Autumn: Another Season Change is upon us!
  • Paleo Pumpkin Smoothie: Great benefits with Pumpkin & spices helps build vital systems and reduce stress
  • Lunch Hour Group Sound & Mudra therapy: Join us each Wednesday
  • Tea Highlight: Ether Element tea, “Joyful Silence”
  • Local Business Highlight: Bliss Custom Baking
  • Sunday Appointments: Sunday’s now starting in October!
  • MPR to talk about Holistic Health: Take this survey and tell them what your experience has been
  • Upcoming Events: Upcoming events with Psinergy, Holistic Gateway & The Wellness Circle

As we enter into Fall and the season of Metal/Ether and Lung & Colon, Fall Allergies, sinus issues are now starting to pop up with people. Be cautious during this time as it is a time to start building and bulking up your immune system for the coming months. One of the biggest things during this time is to watch your stress levels, as stress has been shown to drastically reduce the power of the immune system.

Some other nice things to try in the fall is Carrot Juice and Pumpkin! Try this nummy Pumpkin Smoothie recipe which you can do warm or cold. Additionally, we have some very nice allergy remedies from GoEnergetix like Sinus ToneCore Sambucus Spagyric Botanical Blend, or for overall broad-based drainage including the sinuses,Drainage-Tone. Additionally, we have some fantastic Colorpuncture therapies that can be done in-office to get those system moving pretty quickly, or for a quick at-home therapy, you can try the Sinus Triangle.

As a reminder, the sinuses are a reflection of the large intestines, and when they are congested, often we see the large intestines constipated as well. The sinuses also directly impact your ability to breath (life) into the lungs. Additionally, physically the intestines are crucial for the immune system as they help to let-go of the physical and emotional toxins, as well as for the production of Serotonin. The lungs talk about bringing new life into the being, and when they are congested, emotionally we begin to see grief held within the system.

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Paleo Pumpkin Smoothie

Happy Autumn and Healthy Tips for the Fall Season 2

Ingredients for Smoothie:

  • ½ cup pure organic pumpkin
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • ½ frozen banana
  • ½ tablespoons maple syrup (or Raw honey)
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon (+ a bit extra more to sprinkle on top)
  • 1/8 teaspoon ginger
  • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/8 teaspoon allspice
  • 1/8 teaspoon cardamom
  • 2 ice cubes
  • Top with whipped cream or coconut cream
*You could also try this slightly heated as well. Just heat in a pan on medium to medium low heat, minus the ice cubes of course, mixing everything together until the temperature is just right.

Lunch Hour Group Sound & Mudra therapy

Happy Autumn and Healthy Tips for the Fall Season 3In this 30 minute Group Sound Therapy with Mudra’s, each week we will feature a specific Esogetics Sound Therapy combined with a powerful mudra for relaxation, re-fueling up on Energy and rebooting the System to get over the mid-week slump.
We’re 8 minutes (1.9 miles) from Downtown Minneapolis, perfect for a stress releasing Lunch Hour!
**Feel free to bring a Yoga Mat, as well as lunch for yourself.**

October Appointments

Sunday’s: 11 AM to 4 PM in MPLS
Monday’s: 4 to 8 PM in Lino Lakes
Wednesday’s: 10 AM to 10 PM in MPLS
Friday’s: 10 AM to 6 PM in MPLS

Tea Highlight…

Happy Autumn and Healthy Tips for the Fall Season 4We now have some fantastic Ayurveda-based teas in our office specifically formulated for health of the Chakras or to help balance specific elements within the being.

Joyful Silence is an Elemental Tea for Ether ($5.49) and a fantastic tea for Autumn.
“The stillness. The space that holds everything else. Listen.”
Ingredients: Apple* (40%), lemon grass*, honeybush*, hibiscus*, lemon juice* (4%), turmeric root* (4%), cinnamon*, black pepper*, cocoa shells*, lemon extract (1%), basil*, ginger*, cardamom*, cloves*. * = organic.
MPR is doing a show in October about Integrative Medicine!!!! Woot Woot!Next month, MPR is hosting an event with Esther Sternberg, a physician who studies how stress and emotion affect the immune system.  Help them get the conversation started in advance by sharing your story.

Share you Story & Experience

Bliss Custom Baking

Wheat-free & gluten-free desserts made with organic, all natural & local ingredients. Dairy-free options also available.

Bliss offers “Bliss of the Month Club”, Customized desserts, tasting parties & more…
Happy Autumn and Healthy Tips for the Fall Season 5

Upcoming Events

You’re Invited!
Friday, Oct. 4th, 7 – 10 PM
New Moon Intention Burning with TCEHW Friday Chat & Play Social group in St. Paul

Saturday, Oct. 5th, 10 AM – 5 PM

Saturday, Oct. 5th, 10 AM – 1 PM
Community Healing Day in Minneapolis

Monday’s starting Oct 14th,
7 – 9 PM
Simplicity Parenting class with Conradine Sanborn in Minneapolis

Thursday, Oct. 17th, 7 – 9 PM

Recurring Events:

Every Wednesday
Lunch Hour Group Sound & Mudra TherapyEvery Friday from 7-10 PM

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