
Autumn is in Full Swing …and Healthy Tips for the Fall!

Autumn is in Full Swing

…and Healthy Tips for the Fall!

In this update:Autumn is in Full Swing ...and Healthy Tips for the Fall! 1

  • Happy Autumn: Start building your Immunity Now
  • Pre-Order Vitamin D3: GoEnergetix Vitamin-D Pre-Order sale going on now!
  • Organic India Formulas: Immunity, Bowelcare and Triphala
  • Lunch Hour Group Sound & Mudra therapy: Join us each Wednesday
  • Therapy Highlight: Aggressive Zones – Great when you have Mild Constipation
  • Tea Highlight: Ether Element tea, “Joyful Silence”
  • Local Business Highlight: Bliss Custom Baking
  • Sunday Appointments: Sunday’s now starting in October!
  • Upcoming Events: Upcoming events with Psinergy, Holistic Gateway & The Wellness Circle

Fall is here and we are running into more and more people each day with colds, achiness, and the first down signs of the fall shift.

So, what can you do to help make sure you have a healthy immune system to get through this? First and foremost is dealing with your stress. Stress will not go away per-say, though how you relate and deal with the stress can change. Eating regularly, meditation, regular de-stressing and wellness appointments, making sure you have vitamins and minerals, etc all go a long way in helping to keep you health. Just a reminder, getting sick now and then is not a bad thing, and in fact, it is healthy! Getting sick now and then helps to keep the immune system strong and healthy, and is kind of like working out a muscle. The key is how sick do you get, and how long are you sick.

Schedule a Session Now

Vitamin D3 Pre-Order Sales

Autumn is in Full Swing ...and Healthy Tips for the Fall! 2

Liquid Vitamin D3 is an Energetix nutritional remedy that offers cholecalciferol in an easy to use liquid solution. Each 30 drops offers 2,000 IU of Vitamin D3. At the 30 drops/day, this will last you about 71 days. Other Ingredients: Vitamin E MTS-50, Sunflower Oil. Find out more information about Energetix Vitamin D3 Supplement.Normal Price: $21.00 plus tax

Pre-Order Price: $18.10 plus tax

To pre-order, email SchaOn, or give us a call at 612-217-4325. Pre-orders must be paid for by Tuesday, 10/15/2013 by 5 PM CST.

Organic India Supplements for the Immune System & Digestion

Autumn is in Full Swing ...and Healthy Tips for the Fall! 3As we talked about in the last newsletter, we are now in the Lung/Colon time of the year. With a majority of our immune system being impacted directly by our gut, it is important to make sure this is healthy and strong. There are 3 fantastic nutritional supplements from Organic India that could help during this season, so check them out:
The Immunity and Bowelcare formulas are both on sale right now through the end of the month, and all of them are GMO Free, Gluten-Free and vegan 🙂

Lunch Hour Group Sound & Mudra therapy

Autumn is in Full Swing ...and Healthy Tips for the Fall! 4In this 30 minute Group Sound Therapy with Mudra’s, each week we will feature a specific Esogetics Sound Therapy combined with a powerful mudra for relaxation, re-fueling up on Energy and rebooting the System to get over the mid-week slump.
We’re 8 minutes (1.9 miles) from Downtown Minneapolis, perfect for a stress releasing Lunch Hour!
**Feel free to bring a Yoga Mat, as well as lunch for yourself.**

Therapy Highlight

The Aggressive Zones therapy is a fantastic therapy to help strengthen the energy of the large intestine, helping to influence a nice gentle flush and cleansing of the intestinal lymph system.
Each point is located 2 fingerwidths diagonal from the center of the belly button.Full therapy information

Tea Highlight…

Autumn is in Full Swing ...and Healthy Tips for the Fall! 5We now have some fantastic Ayurveda-based teas in our office specifically formulated for health of the Chakras or to help balance specific elements within the being.

Joyful Silence is an Elemental Tea for Ether ($5.49) and a fantastic tea for Autumn.
“The stillness. The space that holds everything else. Listen.”
Ingredients: Apple* (40%), lemon grass*, honeybush*, hibiscus*, lemon juice* (4%), turmeric root* (4%), cinnamon*, black pepper*, cocoa shells*, lemon extract (1%), basil*, ginger*, cardamom*, cloves*. * = organic.

October Appointments

Sunday’s: 11 AM to 4 PM in MPLS
Monday’s: 4 to 8 PM in Lino Lakes
Wednesday’s: 10 AM to 10 PM in MPLS
Friday’s: 10 AM to 6 PM in MPLS

Bliss Custom Baking

Wheat-free & gluten-free desserts made with organic, all natural & local ingredients. Dairy-free options also available.

Bliss offers “Bliss of the Month Club”, Customized desserts, tasting parties & more…
Autumn is in Full Swing ...and Healthy Tips for the Fall! 6

Upcoming Events

You’re Invited!
Friday, Oct. 4th, 7 – 10 PM
New Moon Intention Burning with TCEHW Friday Chat & Play Social group in St. Paul

Saturday, Oct. 5th, 10 AM – 5 PM

Saturday, Oct. 5th, 10 AM – 1 PM

Community Healing Day in Minneapolis

Saturday, Oct. 11th, 5 – 8 PM
Client Appreciation Event at Lino Lakes (more info to come)

Monday’s starting Oct 14th,
7 – 9 PM

Simplicity Parenting class with Conradine Sanborn in Minneapolis

Thursday, Oct. 17th, 7 – 9 PM

Recurring Events:

Every Wednesday
Lunch Hour Group Sound & Mudra TherapyEvery Friday from 7-10 PM

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