
December is about “Turning Inward”, New In-Office Therapies & other Natural Health Tips for December

December is about Turning Inward

New Therapies and other Healthy Tips for December!


In this update:December is about "Turning Inward", New In-Office Therapies & other Natural Health Tips for December 1

  • Turning Inward during December: This is the time of year to reflect and prepare to bring a-new
  • *New* In-Office Therapies: We are now able to offer an expanded version of the powerful and transformative Esogetics I-Ching therapies!
  • Natural Awakenings Twin Cities Article:  Sprinkle Cinnamon to Avert Alzheimer’s
  • *New* Psinergy’s Herbal Supplement & Natural Products Dispensary by HealthWave: Looking for a specific wellness item, herb, or other thing… this allows you to have it delivered right to your home!
  • Therapy Highlight: Rose Quartz Therapy to Open Consciousness
  • Local Business Highlight: Chiropractors around Town
  • Upcoming Events: Upcoming events with Psinergy, Holistic Gateway & The Wellness Circle… as well as others around town!

When following the flow of nature we find that now is the time of year that we needto take a few moments to turn our attention inwardly to touch the neglected and hidden areas of our mind, body and soul. While yes, it is important to do this through out the year, though as the sun descends further in the sky, and the night gets longer, it is more important now to look within the darker areas of ourselves (just as the northern hemisphere of the Earth does). Then, as the Sun begins to get stronger, often called a ReBirth of the Sun aka the Winter Solstice, we allow ourselves to also be reborn into the New Year, with a fresh perspective of self, of our journey and a better clarity as the darker, hidden areas of the self have been acknowledged and put into their proper places, often times by simple acknowledging and releasing them.

How can you do this? First, start by doing a simple Breathe Exercise by focusing on your breath by breathing in through the nose, and out the the mouth, calmly, and at an even pace. Remember to breath deeply, calmly, and release deeply and calmly. Continue this for 10 minutes. Now, turn your attention inwardly by asking things like “What have I learned this year?”, “What have I ignored this year?”, “Where am I ashamed of myself?”, “Where have I not allowed myself a free flow of joy, happiness and sweetness into my life?”, or any question that will help you to look inwardly at yourself. During this time, just focus only on one question each day. Allow for yourself to ponder the question, and any answers you receive, for at least 10 to 20 minutes while in this meditative state. These answers may come from visions of memories, or maybe a smell, a sound, a fleeting thought. They may also come as a pain, or a twitch within the body. When these come up, take a moment to honor that experience, realizing that it is part of you, and helped to allow you to grow – even if you do not fully comprehend how or why. Then at the end, say “I am OK with me, and I no longer need to be in conflict with this.” followed by either the Lord’s Prayer, So Mote It Be, Namaste, POD/POC, or any other way you feel inclined to state that this is done and final. Then starting on December 21st, alter the meditation to “Who will I like to be in the coming year?” or “Who would I like to Birth myself into Being for this Year?”

If you need, or would like, help with this, don’t fret… just schedule a 60 or 30 minute Access Bars session.

Schedule your Monthly Wellness Session now

*New* In-Office Therapies!

“The Playful I-Ching” – 64 Hexagrams to promote Wellness through the Symbolic Wisdom of the I-Ching


December is about "Turning Inward", New In-Office Therapies & other Natural Health Tips for December 2

In December of 2011, SchaOn attended the Esogetics Advanced I-Ching Seminar and learned many fantastic therapies utilizing these symbols which help to promote spiritual development and can help clear long standing issues. In this class, will receiving extensive training with these symbols, all 64 hexagrams had not been fully defined at that time.

Earlier this month, the new “Playful I-Ching” manual was released (which is available to the public). In this, all 64 hexagrams have been defined (located on the skin), with indications, as well as advanced therapies to make the therapies more potent while doing them in the office with a trained therapist.

These therapies are life changing, and powerful… and what a perfect time of year to get this done (as seeing we are now at the end of the year, letting go of the old, and preparing to bring in the new).

Ready to try one of the new I-Ching therapies? Use discount code “IChing2013” and receive $10 off when you have your session before 12/31/13. The $10 off may not be combined with other discounts or offers.

Sprinkle Cinnamon to Avert Alzheimer’s

Add Some Spice for Brain Protection

Sprinkle Cinnamon to Avert Alzheimer’sCinnamon is known as an excellent antioxidant that improves fasting blood sugar levels and prevents heart disease. Now new research offers yet another benefit and reason to add this potent spice to our daily diet.Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara, have confirmed that cinnamon helps protect against Alzheimer’s disease. They found that the cinnamon compounds cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin help stop the formation of “tangles” of tau protein in the brain, hallmarks of the memory-robbing neurodegenerative disease.

Continue reading article at Natural Awakenings – Twin Cities

Side Notes from SchaOn:
“Cinnamon according to Ayurveda Medicine”

One of the 85 Important Herbs in Ayurveda, Cinnamon (or Tvak in Sanskrit) is a pungent, sweet, astringent and hot herb. It is reducing for both Vata and Kapha, while it can increase Pitta (fire). It helps to build the tissue of the plasma, blood, muscles, and marrow/nerves. It is beneficial for the circulatory, digestive, respiratory and urinary systems. In Ayurveda, it is used for helping with absorption of nutrients, helps promote agni (the digestive fire), aids in breathing issues, bronchitis, colds, congestion, and circulation. It helps generate energy and blood, as well as strengthens one’s constitution. It is beneficial in cases of diarrhea, dysentery, edema, flu, indigestion, gas and hiccups. It strengthens the heart as well as the metabolic functions of the spleen and pancreas, warms and strengthens the kidneys, helps with liver issues as well being beneficial for melancholy, muscle tension, pain in the wrists, knees, back and headaches… as well as many other things.

Cinnamon is considered a “Sattwic” herb for the mind, meaning it helps to bring peace and purity to the mind. You want to be careful with cinnamon though if you have bleeding disorders, or have a lot of excess Pitta or Fire.

*New* Psinergy’s Herbal & Supplement Dispensary by HealthWave!

December is about "Turning Inward", New In-Office Therapies & other Natural Health Tips for December 3

With any Holistic Health clinic today, we are often suggesting you to look into things like various herbs, homeopathic remedies (like Traumeel), Oil Massages/Abhyanga’s, minerals, teas, etc. In the past, this has meant that you sometimes needed to go to various stores to get things.We are happy to announce that now you can actually purchase these directly through our online dispensary and have it shipped right to you in about 2 to 3 days. This dispensary offers products from over 250 trusted brands in the industry, with thousands of products, herbs (bulk, tablet or capsule), the top vitamins, minerals, salts, massage as well as cooking oils, and so much more. Another nice bonus with this system, any herbs/supplements we talk about in a session, I can add as a “Recommendation” on your account so you can easily find it. While, yes, we will still carry some select products in the clinic, like having some Traumeel on hand as many people can’t wait a few days for pain relief, and things not available through the dispensary like the fantastic de-stressing Shoti Maa teas for the Chakras and Elements, Asafoetida (hing), and some of the GoEnergetix Complex Homeopathic Rememdies.

Please take a moment to check it out. You can find it at:https://www.psinergy.info/shop. Additionally, we are giving everyone 10% off any purchases through the end of the month, and there is free shipping if you order before 12/15/13! All products are priced based on MSRP (Retail prices that you find in stores). I’ve also setup many quick categories that include common products, like things for Colds and Flu, Pain, Bulk Herbs, Greens, Stress Relief and more! Additionally, any Monthly Wellness Members will always receive 10% off any products they get through the dispensary (so, currently, members get an additional 10% off – so 20% off!)


December is about "Turning Inward", New In-Office Therapies & other Natural Health Tips for December 4

Therapy Highlight

The “Rose Quartz Therapy to Open Consciousness” is a fantastic therapy to do at the end of the year, and beginning of the new year.Rose Quartz Crystal Therapy to Open Consciousness
In the evening before bed, place a Rose Quartz Sphere in each position for 20 seconds starting at the top (Kether), then the front center of the forehead, and last in the back straight back from the front position. Repeat every night.

Full therapy information

December is about "Turning Inward", New In-Office Therapies & other Natural Health Tips for December 5

Appointment Hours

Sunday’s: 11 AM to 4 PM in MPLS
Monday’s: 4 to 8 PM in Lino Lakes
Wednesday’s: 10 AM to 10 PM in MPLS
Friday’s: 10 AM to 6 PM in MPLS

December is about "Turning Inward", New In-Office Therapies & other Natural Health Tips for December 6
As with most forms of Holistic Health Services, we LOVE Chiropractors, and with it coming up to Car Accident season, we wanted to give you a referral to 3 of the nicest and most talented Chiropractors we know!
  • Dr. Carol Jillian-Ohana with The Wellness Circle/Cloudwalk Chiropractic in Lino Lakes, MN
  • Dr. Deb Heim with Heim Chiropractic “My Chiro Geek” in Columbia Heights & Maplewood/Saint Paul, MN
  • Dr. Lee Ann Herfort with Southside Chiropractic on the south side of Minneapolis.

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