
“The Seasons are a changing”… 4 Simple Tips for Supporting You this Fall, Naturally.

A variety of autumn leaves transitioning from green to yellow to orange to red.

Every 2 months we go through a seasonal change where the environment around us changes, and during this transition time, our bodies have a tendency to get a little weaker and for some stress seems to get to us more. According to Ayurveda, this is a great time to do a gentle cleansing routine and to focus on supporting our bodies. If you are the type of person that doesn’t take a lot of time for your own health and wellness but see the need for it… these two-week transitions are some of the most important times to focus on it.


Here are a few simple things to help support yourself and help you to have a healthier next few months

  • Do a Kitchari Cleanse for the 2-weeks of the seasonal change. Digestion takes a lot of energy, and kitchari is very easy to digest. Kitchari also helps to cleanse the excesses from the season we are leaving, as well as helping to cleanse other excesses we have built up from not eating the correct foods or doing the correct activities for our specific individuality.
  • Do Abhyanga as much as possible during this time. Abhyanga (or self-oil massage before showering/bathing) helps to build what are called Ojas. Simply… Ojas essentially are the “sap of life” and help to keep us glued here. Incorrect diet and activities deplete these, and in turn, our health and wellness suffer. One way to help rebuild these is by doing Abhyanga. My favorite tri-doshic Abhyanga oil is the massage oil from Auromere which we recently just started carrying again in the office. The next best, for most people in most cases, is just sesame oil which we also do carry the Organic Sesame Oil from Banyan Botanicals. (we do also carry other abhyanga oils as well)
  • Additionally taking Triphala in the evening about an hour before bed helps cleanse the system of “ama” (or undigested food and toxins that blocks up the entire system), or maybe even Immune Strong by Banyan Botanicals to help support things more during this time.
  • Another great thing is doing the Moist-Heat Liver pack. I really enjoy doing this during the busy fall season as it’s warming, comforting, and really helps me to unwind before bed from the busy day.


So, take a few minutes of your time over the next two weeks to help bolster your system for the next 2 month season. Your body, mind, and soul will thank you… and as always, if you would like more in-depth work with things, please schedule an in-office session with me and we can take that time to focus on you and what you would like to improve, Naturally.



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