How much Water should I be drinking?
We’ve all heard the old saying “Eight-8 ounce glasses of water a day.” Though, is this really correct for everyone? The simple answer is NO. The Eight-8 ounce glasses of water per day is the rough amount needed for an individual that weighs about 150 pounds (in reality, this rule[...] |
Newsletter: March is almost here… eeek! …a February Update
We specialize in helping business professionals who want to either stay healthy, or become truly healthy, that struggle with a mountain of stress. We have a simple, relaxing system that can help bring back your youthful and playful side, allowing you to enjoy your life again, while still performing at the top[...] |
Feb Newsletter: What our Pains tell us and Saturday Deals
We’re into 2013, there’s no turning back! …a February Update In this update: New Service: Anti-Aging services Article: “What our Pain tells us – and the Stress it causes” Example of Collaboration: “an Awesome Article about Collaboration and Unity” Pain Help: Turmeric Extract Puts Drugs For Knee Osteoarthritis To Shame February Deal: $35 Saturdays[...] |
Listen to the Voice of your Heart :: Create Compromise and release Aggression
We offer Esogetics & BodyTalk Access therapies in-office including: Colorpuncture, Transmitter Relays, Infra-Red, Induction, Crystals, I Ching, Dream, Karma & Bardo, Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis, Tongue Analysis, Iridology, and more! Phone: (612) 217-HEAL / (612) 217-4325 Schedule: Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend Gevura Gevura / Discrimination[...] |
What our Pains tell us and the Stress it causes
by: SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT Published Edge Magazine, February 2013 edition, Original: One of the largest health concerns, yet one of the least talked about, is Pain. An estimated 37+% of Americans suffer from some sort of Chronic pain[1]. To put this into perspective, only about 4% of Americans[...] |
Clarity & Understanding with Great Strength for March
We offer Esogetics & BodyTalk Access therapies in-office including: Colorpuncture, Transmitter Relays, Infra-Red, Induction, Crystals, I Ching, Dream, Karma & Bardo, Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis, Tongue Analysis, Iridology, and more! (612) 217-HEAL / (612) 217-4325 Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend Binah Binah / Clarity / Understanding : The month[...] |
February Natural Wellness News from Psinergy
We offer Esogetics & BodyTalk Access therapies in-office including: Colorpuncture, Transmitter Relays, Infra-Red, Induction, Crystals, I Ching, Dream, Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis, Tongue Analsys, Iridology, and more! (612) 217-HEAL / (612) 217-4325 Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a[...] |