The Heat index today for the Twin Cities is supposed to get to 105 degrees Fahrenheit – and super humid! Even for a hot summer fun loving person like myself… this will be a HOT one.In past newsletters, I’ve talked about how
Strawberries and
Hibiscus are really good during times like this, which are great as a mid-day snack, though, what about Pitta (fire) reducing foods during meal time? Sadly, most herbs and spices are Pitta increasing, though not Cilantro! Cilantro is actually balancing for all three doshas.
Cilantro is a fantastic digestive herb, great for indigestion (it’s also considered an antidote for spicy foods), skin rashes, farting, and is called for with all Pitta disorders, any form of burning, hay fever (hay fever = to much fire in the immune system), and helps to relieve internal heat and thirst. It helps to strengthen the blood, muscles and plasma, and great for the digestive, respiratory and urinary systems.
Recipe Idea: Cilantro Lime Chicken
4 or 5 Chicken Breasts
1 bundle of Cilantro, loosely chopped
1 whole lime (also Pitta reducing)
1 cup Sweet Peas (optional)
1/4 tsp Shatavari
Dash of Turmeric on each chicken breast
pinch of salt, pepper
Slice chicken into strips, add to a pan coated with some ghee (ghee is pitta reducing) or coconut oil (also pitta reducing), and add everything else – squeeze lime juice on the top, then cover. Cook on Medium Heat until chicken is done, stirring as needed. Add on top of a basic rice dish or Kitchari along with some Avocado (another great pitta reducer).
Don’t feel like making a Cilantro Chicken yourself? Café 99 across the street has a fantastic Cilantro Chicken.