Ok… Let’s be
completely honest for a moment. Who among us has not suffered from
constipation, diarrhea, or some other malady affecting the bowels? For many
of us, these disturbances are somewhat routine occurrences. And yet, as a
culture, we’re morbidly afraid to talk about them. Fortunately, Ayurveda has
a lot to say about why these types of imbalances are so common, and what we
can do to correct them. So, perhaps it’s time to cast aside any resistance,
stigma, or embarrassment in order to offer our bodies some real support in
the area of elimination. This resource explores Ayurveda’s perspective on
this topic in some depth. If you were hoping to find a few quick
recommendations for an acute case of constipation or diarrhea,
click on the appropriate link for some suggestions. But if your symptoms
recur frequently, consider returning here soon so that you can begin to
explore and address the root cause of your imbalances. The truth is that,
for all of us, our bowel habits and stools can teach us a great deal about
what our bodies need in order to return to balance.
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