

11/29/2015: Ioho (E-yo), or Yew

Ioho seems to come up at least every other month to remind us of that constant birth, death, and rebirth cycle. Each year, month, week, day, hour, and minute is a chance for a new cycle. Take each chance to rebirth into something new. This means being able to let[...]
Tinne (Tin-nay), or Holly Ogham

10/18/2015: Tinne (Tin-nay), or Holly

Samhain is right around the corner. The veil is very thin at this time of the year. This can be very taxing on people emotionally, energetically, spiritually, mentally, etc. With lots of visitors, living and otherwise, it’s really important to keep yourself protected. Welcome, Tinne. Tinne is all about protection.[...]
10/4/2015: Koad (Kode), or the Grove 1

10/4/2015: Koad (Kode), or the Grove

Have you made it through your labyrinth? Are you still in the middle of it? Koad is all about that sacred space this week. Whether or not you’ve made it completely through that labyrinth many have been stuck in, Koad is that nice breathing space before the next step. Beyond[...]
Ogham Huathe

9/6/2015: Huathe (Hoo-Arth), or Hawthorn

As we wind down and get ready for fall, Huathe helps offer its wisdom. Huathe helps bring in clearing and offers a different perspective on situations we’ve either tried to fix all summer or ignored completely. Well, Huathe isn’t letting you ignore those sticky situations anymore. Keeping in mind Huathe[...]
State Fair Foods

August News #2: State Fair Hours, Specials and other August & September Fun Stuff

August News #2 “Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.” – Les Brown Special Hours & Detours during State Fair It’s easy to get to us… if you know the way 🙂 Keeping Healthier during State Fair with all the Grease, Mixed Foods, and other nummies that might not be the healthiest[...]
February Special: The Esogetics Color Face Mask & Gift Certificates available! 2

February Special: The Esogetics Color Face Mask & Gift Certificates available!

One of SchaOn’s favorite therapies to offer is the Esogetics Color Face Mask as it is very rejuvenating and relaxing for the entire person as each area of the face is a reflection for different areas of the body. For example, the forehead touches areas of the brain: the red[...]
Harvest Moon Event :: a Moonlight & Magic Expo :: Sept 8, 2012 4

Harvest Moon Event :: a Moonlight & Magic Expo :: Sept 8, 2012

Harvest Moon by Moonlight & Magic, a Fall Holistic Healing, Psychic & Music Festival is Saturday, September 8th, 2012 from 10 AM to 7 PM at the Millenium Hotel in Minneapolis at 1313 Nicollet Mall. When you walk through the doors at this powerful new age event, you’ll immediately feel the transformational energy in[...]
Healing Holidays Expo at The Meta Institute in New Hope 5

Healing Holidays Expo at The Meta Institute in New Hope

   Healing Holidays ExpoThe Meta Institute 5121 Winnetka Ave N New Hope, MN 55428 763-533-6527 VIEW THE META INSTITUTE WEBSITE VIEW DIRECTIONS Tuesday, December 6 6 – 9pm Free Admission Alternative Healing Paths Leading to Extraordinary Wellness! The Meta Institute invites you to this Healing Holidays Expo! Come and meet the 20+ exhibitors[...]

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