Release Stress now… then Motivate and Create in the New Year!
Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend De-stress, and even rejuvenate, during the busy Holiday Season by SchaOn Blodgett: Everyone knows all too well the stress of the holiday season, the running from one family gathering[...] |
December Wellness News
Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend Esogetics I-Ching/Ging Therapies December 1-4: SchaOn will be in class from December 1st thru the 4th learning the new Esogetics I-Ching therapies! This is the first time they will be taught in America, and one of the newest systems from[...] |
November 2011 Natural Wellness News from Psinergy
Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend November Tree of Life Meditation Daath / Hidden Knowledge: The month of November is represented by the 11th Tree of Life sepereth, Daath. Daath is the symbol of the hidden knowledge and truths held within, and you must have the[...] |
Oct News from Psinergy Natural Health
Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend October Tree of Life Meditation Alpha-Omega: This month is being represented by Malcut, the 10th Sephereth or the base Sephereth. Malcut is symbolized by the planet Earth and talks[...] |
Happy Solar Return Libra’s ♎ & Autumnal Equinox!
Happy Solar Return Libra’s ♎ & Autumnal Equinox! The symbol for Libra is the Scales. In Roman mythology, Libra is considered to depict the scales held by Astraea (identified as Virgo), the goddess of justice. Libra is also considered the goddess of balance and truth. She also corresponds with Egyptian[...] |
September 2011 News from Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness
Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend September News Yesod: In the “Tree of Life” or “Tree of Light” is the 9th Sephereth. Yesod talks about the ‘film of life’, creativity, productivity and the feminine. It is symbolized by the Moon, and shows physically in the endocrine[...] |